Looking for a WordPress theme that's fast, elegant & customizable? Meet Astra! It's customizer powered, SEO friendly and compatible with major page builders.
Looking for a WordPress theme that's fast, elegant & customizable? Meet Astra! It's customizer powered, SEO friendly and compatible with major page builders.
Looking for a WordPress theme that's fast, elegant & customizable? Meet Astra! It's customizer powered, SEO friendly and compatible with major page builders.
Astra Pro是一个快速简便的WordPress主题,可让您选择禁用页面标题和侧边栏。创建具有完全设计自由度的全角页面。Astra wp主题的加载速度非常优秀。它是市场上最轻的主题,并具有无与伦比的性能
Astra Pro也提供了一系列安全功能,包括实时防火墙和恶意代码扫描。这些功能可以保护网站免受恶意攻击和黑客入侵。 同时Astra Pro和许多第三方LMS插件有很好的兼容性。如: WooCommerce Easy Digital Downloads(EDD) LearnDash LifterLMS 最新版的主题激活是根据Astra Pro Modules 是否可以启用来进行判断,右上角许可证显示未...
Astra is a popular lightweight WordPress theme that is known for its speed and customization options. Astra Pro is an add-on for the Astra WordPress Theme. It offers premium features & functionalities that enhance your theming experience at next level. Use your favorite drag and drop page build...
wordpress独立站主题免费送,Astra Pro WordPress Theme主题推荐 Astra Pro 是一款多功能 WordPress 主题,可用于多种用途,例如预订、博客、作品集等。它具有独特的设计和流畅的动画,非常适合商业和娱乐网站。Astra Pro 主题完全响应式,在所有设备上看起来都很棒,并带有大量颜色选项,因此用户可以自定义他们的网站以...
Look no further. Astra is fast, fully customizable and WooCommerce ready theme that you can use for building any kind of website! == Premium Addons == * Colors & Background * Typography * Spacing * Blog Pro * Nav Menu * Sticky Header * Page Headers * Custom Layouts * Site Layouts *...
Astra Theme 是一个免费的 WordPress 主题,你可以在WordPress后台直接安装,依次点击Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add New.在搜索框输入Astra,找到Astra主题点击安装并且启用。另外,你也可以在wordpress,org官网下载Astra主题安装包,通过上传安装包的形式安装主题。
這是一篇 Astra Pro Theme (進階版)的 Ultimate Addons for Elementor 終極擴充功能,相關的教學。我會挑選幾個 Ultimate Addons for Elementor 在 Elementor 擴充的元素功能,進行相關教學。