我的世界AstraLex Shaders光影材质包,是作者“ByLexBoosT”根据基础材质包(BSL)进行再升级制作的一款材质光影包,AstraLex光影特别在夜晚场景有特别好的表现,地狱、沙漠、荒芜之地等特殊地形,作者也进行了单独的光影处理,对应提升我的世界的光影效果,是非常棒的。 作者的话 你好,因为对基础着色器(BSL)有一些困惑,我...
Members LexBoosTOwnerReport Description Files Gallery (18) RelationsDescriptionHello after some confusion with the base shader (BSL) I decided to change the name BSLex to AstraLex!Hello!! After Dev my last Shader (LexShino Shaders Remade : LexShino Thread ) I decided with the permission of Cap...
Files §r§lAstra§4§lLex§r§l_By_LexBoosT_§4§lV93.0§r§l.zip(3.04 MiB) Primary Metadata Release channel Release Version number93.0 Loaders IrisOptiFine Game versions1.16.5, 1.21.4 Downloads282451 Publication dateJune 16, 2024 at 10:35 PM Publisher LexBoosT Owner Version IDqSbtQS2...
#本汉化文档对应 §r§lAstra§4§lLex§r§l_By_LexBoosT_§4§lV92.1§r§l 版本。 #本汉化文档以 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 协议进行许可。 #Profiles profile.LOW=§f۞ §7低§f ۞ profile.MEDIUM=§f۞ §8中§f ۞ profile.HIGH=§f۞ §6高§f ۞ profile.ULTRA=§f۞ §4超§f...
Many unique qualities are found within the new AstraLex Shader pack for Minecraft. The end goal of this shader pack is very special; to allow content
Hello after some confusion with the base shader (BSL) I decided to change the name BSLex to AstraLex! Hello!! After Dev my last Shader (LexShino Shaders Remade :LexShino Thread) I decided with the permission of Capt Tatsu (BSL) and EminGT (Complementary) to make my BSL Edit shader wit...
我的世界AstraLex Shaders光影材质包,是作者“ByLexBoosT”根据基础材质包(BSL)进行再升级制作的一款材质光影包,AstraLex光影特别在夜晚场景有特别好的表现,地狱、沙漠、荒芜之地等特殊地形,作者也进行了单独的光影处理,对应提升我的世界的光影效果,是非常棒的。