全新强劲的Vantage。终极前置发动机、后轮驱动跑车。尽显卓越动态性能。手工打造的全铝制4.0升V8双涡轮增压发动机,功率输出高达665马力,扭矩达到800牛米,在同类产品中一骑绝尘。Vantage不仅仅是极速的象征,更是全球驾驶激情追求者的梦想之车。 最大功率ps 最高速度km/h ...
Vantage Coupe Specifications Engineering Interior Exterior Engineered for real drivers. The potent new Vantage. The definitive front-engine rear-wheel sports car. Exuding dynamic ability. A handcrafted all-aluminum 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine producing class-leading outputs of 656 HP and 590 lb...
Explore Aston Martin Q by Aston Martin Personalise Inquire Contact Form Configurator Start configuration Vantage Coupe Explore Find a dealer The emissions/fuel economy figures quoted are sourced from official regulated test results obtained through laboratory testing. They are for comparability purposes...
Featuring a twin-turbo V-8, revised interior and exterior styling, and updated tech, the 2025 Vantage eases into the future without forgetting its past.
Vantage Vantage Coupe Coupe and and Roadster Roadster simultaneously simultaneously meant meant its its outrageous outrageous dynamic dynamic capabilities capabilities and and character character were were retained retained without without compromise compromise upon upon roof roof removal. removal. Simon NewtonDi...
Vantage Vantage Coupe Coupe and and Roadster Roadster simultaneously simultaneously meant meant its its outrageous outrageous dynamic dynamic capabilities capabilities and and character character were were retained retained without without compromise compromise upon upon roof roof removal. removal. Simon NewtonDi...
Vantage Vantage Coupe Coupe and and Roadster Roadster simultaneously simultaneously meant meant its its outrageous outrageous dynamic dynamic capabilities capabilities and and character character were were retained retained without without compromise compromise upon upon roof roof removal. removal. Simon NewtonDi...
The new Vantage Roadster. Head-turning. Jaw-dropping. Roof-raising. The definitive front-engine, rear-wheel, convertible sports car. Exuding dynamic ability, visceral drama and the sleekest of profiles. A hand-crafted all-aluminium 4.0 litre twin-turbo V8 producing class-leading outputs of 665PS...
Vantage Vantage Coupe Coupe and and Roadster Roadster simultaneously simultaneously meant meant its its outrageous outrageous dynamic dynamic capabilities capabilities and and character character were were retained retained without without compromise compromise upon upon roof roof removal. removal. Simon NewtonDi...
Vantage Vantage Coupe Coupe and and Roadster Roadster simultaneously simultaneously meant meant its its outrageous outrageous dynamic dynamic capabilities capabilities and and character character were were retained retained without without compromise compromise upon upon roof roof removal. removal. Simon NewtonDi...