Vantage Vantage name name has has much much to to live-up live-up to, to, which which is is why why this this newest newest model model makes makes an an unwavering unwavering commitment commitment to to high high performance performance in in its its purest purest and and most most expli...
Engineered for real driving, strip away the barriers between you and the road with the Vantage Coupe. A luxury supercar that revels at the limit of performance.
Featuring a twin-turbo V-8, revised interior and exterior styling, and updated tech, the 2025 Vantage eases into the future without forgetting its past.
This feels like the car the Vantage should always have been: super fast, exciting, with a bit of edge
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为了迎接崭新Vantage正式量产,该厂在产线上举行了庆祝仪式,包括英国工商业发展部门的政府官员也一同到场参与。Aston Martin的CEO Andy Palmer表示,Vantage无论在产品本质还是在销量,在Aston Martin的历史上都是最出色的,我们希望新款车型也能延续这样的成果,持续满足现有客户,并获得不同国家新客户的支持。而在今年...
說到ASTON MARTIN什麼樣的畫面浮現在你的腦海呢?擁有超過100年歷史的英倫跑車,是每一部《007》電影中「詹姆士龐德」的御用坐騎,從1964年起急速、帥氣、高科技的形象,已深深烙印在全人類的記憶裡了。它被稱作是「每個英國男人的夢想」,連英國皇室查爾斯王子夢寐以求的車
Year* 2025 Style, Configuration, Engine Options* Aston Martin Vantage Coupe Trim* Vantage Coupe Overview Vantage Coupe Package Includes Price starting at $194,086 Vehicle EPA Classification Two Seaters Drivetrain Rear-Wheel Drive Engine Engine Order Code NA Engine Type and Required Fuel Twin Turbo...
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