配置 THRILL. DRIVEN. Vantage Roadster 领略 配置 Aston Martin 体验 领略 对深层次满足感的追求永不停歇。 对深层次满足感的追求永不停歇。 我们渴望捕捉驾驶体验中的纯粹人类情感。 我们渴望捕捉驾驶体验中的纯粹人类情感。 Aston Martin MASTERY. DRIVEN. Valhalla 领略 配置 ZENITH...
Engineered for real driving, strip away the barriers between you and the road with the Vantage Coupe. A luxury supercar that revels at the limit of performance.
Featuring a twin-turbo V-8, revised interior and exterior styling, and updated tech, the 2025 Vantage eases into the future without forgetting its past.
Select your region and language This configurator takes into account regionalised versions of our vehicles. Select your region China Mainland Select your language English ConfirmWe care about your privacy By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device ...
为致敬 1959 年、Aston Martin 灵魂人物 David Brown 与传奇赛车手 Carroll Shelby,在法国利曼 24 小时耐久赛中,以 David Brown Racing Aston Martin DBR1 创下冠亚军双赢纪录而生的 Vantage AMR Manual 59 Edition,是手动版 Vantage AMR (全球 200 辆) 车型中、只限量生产 59 辆的稀有车型。Vantage AMR ...
The distinctive cockpit feel of the interior is one of absolute focus and functionality. A lower driving position creates a more immersive experience, intimately connecting the driver with the car and the road ahead. Meet The Vantage Are you interested in owning Aston Martin’s first sports car,...
猎杀感官的高颜值跑车——Aston Martin Vantage 最近因为一条詹姆斯邦德很可能由黑人女性来试演而引爆话题讨论,而有邦德在的地方就一定会有阿斯顿马丁。然而无论你们见过多少劳斯莱斯,多少法拉利、保时捷,你们会发现要想见到阿斯顿马丁还真不是一件容易的事情。
而在「Vantage」之名诞生 70 周年的时刻,Aston Martin 总代理永三汽车特别在今日 (4/30) 引进别具纪念意义的 Vantage AMR Manual 59 Edition 特式车。为致敬 1959 年、Aston Martin 灵魂人物 David Brown 与传奇赛车手 Carroll Shelby,在法国利曼 24 小时耐久赛中,以 David Brown Racing Aston Martin DBR1 创...
当然全新Vantage最引人注目的,还是那位于车头蚌式引擎盖下的4.0L双涡轮增压V8强心,与老大哥DB11 V8同样源于Mercedes-AMG,经Aston Martin工程师调校后具备510ps/6,000rpm的最大马力,以及685Nm/ 2,000~5,000rpm峰值扭力输出,在ZF 8速手自排变速箱加持下具备3.6秒加速破百、极速上看314km/h的不俗实力...