2018 Aston Martin V8 Vantage 丨Grey Metallic 丨twin-turbocharged 4.0L V8, 375kW, RWD, 8-speed...
V12 Vantage S (2013 - 2018) Aston Martin pushed sports car performance yet again with the announcement of the new V12 Vantage S. V12 Vantage S replaced the outgoing V12 Vantage in markets around the world and, with the exception of One-77, arrived as the fastest road-going Aston Martin...
After the debut of the new Vantage, Aston Martin went ahead and took the wraps off the racing version of the car while they were at it. The 2018 Aston Martin Racing Vantage GTE is as sharp and and aggressive as they come, but somehow one feels it is softer than the road-going version...
Vantage算是Aston Martin一个很经典的车系,上一代车型在2005年推出,当时的Aston Martin还在Ford的手上。在十二年后原厂终于推出了全新大改款的Vantage,这个大改款的Vantage你不能说它不美(简直是超美),但是整体的外形设计和你印象里Aston Martin有着很大的差别,根据原厂设计师表示新一代的Vantage采用了Aston Marti...
Brand new 1/18 scale car model of 2018 Aston Martin Vantage GTE Le Mans PRO White with Carbon Accents model car by Autoart. Brand new box. Has roll cage. Real rubber tires. Steerable wheels. Official license product. Detailed interior, exterior. ...
2020 Aston Martin Vantage 2020 Aston Martin Vantage AMR 2019 Aston Martin Vantage coupe 2018 Aston Martin Vantage coupe 2017 Aston Martin V12 Vantage coupe 2017 Aston Martin V12 Vantage roadster 2016 Aston Martin V-8 Vantage coupe 2016 Aston Martin V-8 Vantage roadster 2016 Aston Martin V12 Va...
AUTOart 发布 1:18 比例 Aston Martin Vantage GTE Le Mans Pro 2018 赛车模型官图,模型车身配色方案如下: 81806 – Aston Martin Vantage GTE Le Mans Pro 2018, White 81807 – Aston Martin Vantage GTE Le M...
内饰 千锤百炼,成就极致精品。Vantage全新内饰采用完美线条、精致材料、最先进的连接技术,完美定义以驾驶者为中心的驾驶舱,带给您各种感官的极致舒适。 时尚装饰 了解更多 中控台 了解更多 触摸屏 了解更多 音频 了解更多 信息娱乐系统 了解更多 外观 泰然自若,动力无限,Vantage以雷霆万钧之势宣告全新性能之王的...
猎杀感官的高颜值跑车——Aston Martin Vantage 最近因为一条詹姆斯邦德很可能由黑人女性来试演而引爆话题讨论,而有邦德在的地方就一定会有阿斯顿马丁。然而无论你们见过多少劳斯莱斯,多少法拉利、保时捷,你们会发现要想见到阿斯顿马丁还真不是一件容易的事情。