领略VALKYRIE的核心特性 功率马力 设计 挑战一切 一切重新开始。 真正的颠覆性设计。 Marek Reichman 执行副总裁兼首席创意官 激进的空气动力性能 “战神”Valkyrie叹为观止的空气动力学外观和开放式底板可最大限度提高下压力并利用周围的空气。Valkyrie的全碳纤维车身专为极致性能而设计,阿斯顿·马丁标志性的上...
The Aston Martin Valkyrie is more than just a luxury sports car. It’s a true Hypercar, taking F1 technology to the road. Discover the iconic Valkyrie model here.
All-carbon fibre bodywork carries Aston Martin's trademark upper grille outline before flowing into a radical body shape that is utterly honed for performance. Track performance on the streets Valkyrie comes as close as possible to being a Formula One ® car without being restricted to the ...
Aston Martin Valkyrie pushes the boundaries of performance; a remarkable journey in engineering to make the impossible, possible. Roberto Fedeli Chief Technical Officer Exceptionally lightweight There is not one single steel component in Valkyrie's structure. It is 100% carbon fibre, minimising load...
Aston Martin Valkyrie pushes the boundaries of performance; a remarkable journey in engineering to make the impossible, possible. Roberto FedeliChief Technical Officer Exceptionally lightweight There is not one single steel component in Valkyrie's structure. It is 100% carbon fibre, minimising load whi...
All-carbon fibre bodywork carries Aston Martin's trademark upper grille outline before flowing into a radical body shape that is utterly honed for performance. Track performance on the streets Valkyrie comes as close as possible to being a Formula One ® car without being restricted to the ...
Valkyrie AMR Pro无以伦比,是一款真正“没有上限”的赛道版超跑。 Marek Reichman 执行副总裁兼首席创意官 极致演化 AMR Pro的设计和性能摆脱了竞速规则限制,性能远超那些觊觎勒芒24小时耐力赛总冠军的赛车。 竞速优化 为勒芒赛事提出的AMR Pro初始概念最早出现在2018年日内瓦车展,其旨在尽可能地从能合法上...
Valkyrie AMR Pro无以伦比,是一款真正“没有上限”的赛道版超跑。 Marek Reichman 执行副总裁兼首席创意官 极致演化 AMR Pro的设计和性能摆脱了竞速规则限制,性能远超那些觊觎勒芒24小时耐力赛总冠军的赛车。 竞速优化 为勒芒赛事提出的AMR Pro初始概念最早出现在2018年日内瓦车展,其旨在尽可能地从能合法上路...
Valkyrie AMR Pro无以伦比,是一款真正“没有上限”的赛道版超跑。 Marek Reichman 执行副总裁兼首席创意官 极致演化 AMR Pro的设计和性能摆脱了竞速规则限制,性能远超那些觊觎勒芒24小时耐力赛总冠军的赛车。 竞速优化 为勒芒赛事提出的AMR Pro初始概念最早出现在2018年日内瓦车展,其...
Valkyrie AMR Pro无以伦比,是一款真正“没有上限”的赛道版超跑。 Marek Reichman 执行副总裁兼首席创意官 极致演化 AMR Pro的设计和性能摆脱了竞速规则限制,性能远超那些觊觎勒芒24小时耐力赛总冠军的赛车。 竞速优化 为勒芒赛事提出的AMR Pro初始概念最早出现在2018年日内瓦车展,其旨在尽可能地从能合法上路...