1980 Aston Martin V8 VolanteSOLD $117,600 Estimate $175,000 - $225,000| Without Reserve Chassis V8C0L15193 Engine V/580 5193Car Highlights One of Only 439 Series 1 V8 Volantes Built; US-Specification Example Handcrafted Aluminum Bodywork and Four-Cam Carbureted V-8 Engine Striking Color Sch...
Engineered for real driving, strip away the barriers between you and the road with the Vantage Coupe. A luxury supercar that revels at the limit of performance.
1988 Aston Martin V8 Vantage “X-pack” 上世纪七八十年代比较流行直线条的设计,这款经典的马丁V8车身就非常硬朗,V8的产品周期很长,从1972年到1989年,图中的“X-pack”版是最终版,产量只有137辆,搭载5.3升V8...
AstonMartin, V8Vantage阿斯顿·马丁V8 Vantage的风格是100%的阿斯顿马丁风格。V8 Vantage同时具备优雅及蓄势待发的姿态。V8 Vantage比例完美,重心更低,一触即发。像所有阿斯顿马丁跑车一样,简洁、不张扬,却很漂亮。也如所有阿斯顿马丁跑车一样,它的美由内自外,无处不在。 阿斯顿·马丁V8 Vantage的外观呈现出炫亮的...
Engineered for real driving, strip away the barriers between you and the road with the Vantage Coupe. A luxury supercar that revels at the limit of performance.
Engineered for real driving, strip away the barriers between you and the road with the Vantage Coupe. A luxury supercar that revels at the limit of performance.
Vantage,赛车领域的至尊珍品。天赋异禀,让驾驶者尽情释放无限激情。追求全面极限性能,不只痴迷于圈速表现,而是将其打造成让驾驶者血脉偾张的超跑典范。 最大功率ps 最高速度km/h 0-100km/hs 技术参数 工程技术和性能 由内而外精心设计,尽收各领域精华。665PS功率咆哮而出,动力比上一代增加30%,性能更加强悍。
Interior Forged to be the most infinitely fine. Vantage is defined by an all-new interior, brushed with flawless lines, exquisite materials, state-of-the-art connected technology and positioned perfectly for driver centricity. Leaving your ears, eyes and limbs stitched into th...
Remember why you first fell in love with driving with the NG Vantage. A V8 Supercar born to live on the limit to excite the racing thrill seekers.
当然全新Vantage最引人注目的,还是那位于车头蚌式引擎盖下的4.0L双涡轮增压V8强心,与老大哥DB11 V8同样源于Mercedes-AMG,经Aston Martin工程师调校后具备510ps/6,000rpm的最大马力,以及685Nm/ 2,000~5,000rpm峰值扭力输出,在ZF 8速手自排变速箱加持下具备3.6秒加速破百、极速上看314km/h的不俗实力...