1997 Aston Martin V8 Vantage Lemans V600 稀少6500公里!從1993-2000年的Vantage車型總共僅生產了289台,其中也包含了Vantage Volante敞篷車型。為了紀念Aston Martin在 1959 年Lemans賽事中取得勝利,在1999年的日內瓦車展發表了Vantage Lemans,作為40週年的紀念,也因此也僅限量生產了40台。而Vantage Lemans不只配有Koni...
In February 1977, Aston Martin unveiled the new Vantage with V8 power. The name was previously used on upgraded Aston Martin’s dating back to the DB2, however the new V8 Vantage pushed the industry forward as the first production car with a capable top speed of 170mph. Considered to ...
That's how much Silverstone Auctions expects to get for a 1997 Aston Martin V8 Vantage which will be sold at the Race Retro Classic Car Sale starting February 24. The Vantage was purchased new by Sir Elton John, and since it exited the Newport Pagnell factory doors only c...
Vantage,赛车领域的至尊珍品。天赋异禀,让驾驶者尽情释放无限激情。追求全面极限性能,不只痴迷于圈速表现,而是将其打造成让驾驶者血脉偾张的超跑典范。 最大功率ps 最高速度km/h 0-100km/hs 技术参数 工程技术和性能 由内而外精心设计,尽收各领域精华。665PS功率咆哮而出,动力比上一代增加30%,性能更加强悍。
AstonMartin, V8Vantage阿斯顿·马丁V8 Vantage的风格是100%的阿斯顿马丁风格。V8 Vantage同时具备优雅及蓄势待发的姿态。V8 Vantage比例完美,重心更低,一触即发。像所有阿斯顿马丁跑车一样,简洁、不张扬,却很漂亮。也如所有阿斯顿马丁跑车一样,它的美由内自外,无处不在。 阿斯顿·马丁V8 Vantage的外观呈现出炫亮的...
Engineered for real driving, strip away the barriers between you and the road with the Vantage Coupe. A luxury supercar that revels at the limit of performance.
1988 Aston Martin V8 Vantage “X-pack” 上世纪七八十年代比较流行直线条的设计,这款经典的马丁V8...
Der NG Vantage: ein kompromissloses Fahrerlebnis, das Sie die Straße direkt erleben lässt. Für echte Fahrer geschaffen. Ein luxuriöses Supercar, das an den Obergrenzen der Leistung zur Hochform aufläuft.
我一直希望可以收一台前期4.3升手动版本的V8 Vantage,最好是敞篷,这个想法到今天都没有改变……关于vantage,我的心里有着复杂的想法,在全新Vantage诞生之前,V8 Vantage 6MT版本(最好是敞篷)一直是我渴望收藏的跑车,在那个马丁与福特集团剪不断理还乱的年代,V12的马丁虽然有着卓越的品味与绝美的线条,但发动机性能与...
Remember why you first fell in love with driving with the NG Vantage. A V8 Supercar born to live on the limit to excite the racing thrill seekers.