Aston Martin AMDS laptop connected to a DB9 Aston Martin Dealers have the holy grail of OBDII devices, essentially a laptop that connects to the car through both OBDII ports at the same time. They call this the AMDS system (Aston Martin Dealer System). The AMDS can talk to the control mo...
阿斯顿马丁DB9 2011款改款的DB9装备6.0L V12发动机,最大输出470匹马力,峰值扭力为600N.m。同时提供六速Touchtronic自动变速箱或六速H-Pettern手动变速箱选择Aston Martin(阿斯顿·马丁)汽车近日正式发布了全新2011款DB9车型的官方图片。从官方发布的图片可以看出,2011年改款的DB9跑车外观变化主要集中在保险杠和全新修改...