Aston Martin DB7 Version Aston Martin DB7 12 cylindres 新年 机壳 公里/迈尔斯 颜色 属性, etária 预订服务 州/10 地点 登记 价格en EUR 2001 nc 57000 蓝色 3 是的 9 nc nc 54 000 转换...阿斯顿马丁数据库7老式的12缸420马力的象牙真皮内饰。积压的维修。 从原来的所有发票重要...
Aston Martin DB7 Zagato.Presents the Aston Martin DB7 Zagato automobile. Engine; Weight; Price.HuttonRayCar & Driver
Looks like you missed this one... This vehicle has either been sold or removed by the seller. Don't worry, there are still plenty of vehicles to choose from. View Similar Vehicles 2001 Aston Martin DB7Base Vantage 2dr Coupe $24,000SOLD ...
Buying a Classic Car? Aston Martin cars for sale. Take a look at this Aston Martin classic car and contact us to buy an authentic Aston Martin oldtimer!
AstonMartin,DBSDBS.完美绝伦,是阿斯顿-马丁与福特、马自达、富豪技术合作的结晶。 灵巧,圆润,性感,DBS是融合运动车和旅行车的黄金分割之作。阿斯顿-马丁的理念是:对于世界上占绝大多数的普通驾驶员来说,从静止加速至97公里/小时的时间是4.9秒还是4.7秒并不重要,最高速度是否能够超过299公里/小时也不重要,外形美观...
Aston Martin revealed the DB7 at the Geneva Motorshow in 1993. Find out more abut the DB7, including the GT race car, made in collaboration with Prodrive.
接手利兰捷豹后以废弃F-Type方案整合出新世代马丁DB车系,又于新世纪伊始推出DB7换代车型DB9奠定品牌基调,单飞后又迭代出诸多基于DB9改型车款。这期间的世界改变了许多,在那些老科幻片的时间节点,我们并没有迎来更美好的未来,但在DB9生产漫长的十二年后,我们迎来了马丁之精神大继承者DB11。 2楼2019-07-13 02:31...
By late 1946, Aston Martin is up for sale. At its peak, in the war, the company had around 130 employees and had benefitted from the wartime contract work. Without building even one car. A new name to the legacy The war is gone and as the nation returns to normal life, th...
That's the $120,000 question swirling about the 1997 Aston-Martin DB7. Aston Martin is a low-volume (about 15,000 cars have been built since 1913) English automaker specializing in hand-built craftsmanship and tradition. The Aston most familiar to people this side of the Atlantic is the ...
Welcome to the Aston Martin Bits website. Choose an Aston Martin model to continue your search... DB7 1994 -2003 911 Parts Available Vanquish 2001 - 2007 599 Parts Available DBS 2007 - 2012 1582 Parts Available DB9 2004 - 2012 1946 Parts Available ...