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WikiMatrix Xenia Onatopp playfully races James Bond in his Aston Martin DB5 by chance on the mountain roads behind Monte Carlo in this vehicle, which is later revealed to have false French registration plates, hinting that it may be stolen. 西娜·奥那托在蒙特卡洛后面的山路上驾驶着这辆车追逐...
悬挂A臂和排气管细节相当细致,还有传动轴和底盘框架的细节,再度好评。 借用wiki的图给大家看看此车首版在保存完好的情况下是什么样子的,实在是太好看了。 这辆zagato保留了原版的大灯造型
You'll be using this Aston Martin DB5 with modifications. " Vozil boš tega Aston Martina DB5 z nekaj dodatki. " OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The championship was won by Aston Martin. Naslov konstruktorskega prvaka je osvojil Aston Martin. WikiMatrix Bertil was fond of cars, owning a rare...
金属底盘相当厚实,使这辆车比如今的大多数铁底胶胎都要沉重。悬挂A臂和排气管细节相当细致,还有传动轴和底盘框架的细节,再度好评。 借用wiki的图给大家看看此车首版在保存完好的情况下是什么样子的,实在是太好看了。 这辆zagato保留了原版的大灯造型