内容提示: STD.ASTM D5227/D5229M-ENGL I,972 - ll75=l530 llb33L119 288 m Designation: D 5229/D 5229M - 92 (Reapproved 1998)” AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 100 Ban Habor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428 Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM ...
程序A 旨在生成可用于以下用途的湿气扩散材料属性数据: 确定程序 B、C 或 D 中试样调节的大致暴露时间;作为湿度预测分析计算机代码的输入;或用于在暴露于各种形式的湿气的环境下对材料选择或性能做出定性决策。程序 B、C 和 D 旨在在其他材料性能测试(包括但不限于机械
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D30 onThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by ...
ASTM D5229/D5229M-14 当前最新 ASTM D5229/D5229M-20 适用范围 程序A 旨在生成可用于以下用途的湿气扩散材料属性数据: 确定程序 BE、Y、Z 中试样调节的大致暴露时间;作为湿度预测分析计算机代码的输入;或用于在暴露于各种形式的湿气的环境下对材料选择或性能做出定性决策。 BE 程序旨在在其他材料性能测试(包括但...
ASTM D5229/D5229M - 14 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: Designation: D5229/D5229M − 14Standard Test Method forMoisture Absorption Properties and EquilibriumConditioning of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D5229/D5229M; the number immediately ...
SMART tests matrix composite materials for moisture absorption, using ASTM D5229. Moisture absorption of matrix composites ASTM D5229 scope: Moisture Absorption of Matrix Composites (ASTM D5229) is a gravimetric test method that monitors change over time of moisture content by measuring the total mas...
014. 992. 012 5229/ in to of at 100 700, 9428to of if It is of of to of to 3878 to 883 to In of a 3878 If a or in M L T of is nin a of is of ( M (%), nof in a as of in to of as a as ,%51)i= g, g.(na of s in cz2c ,nof a a or in an of a...
ASTM standardASTM D5229/5229 M, Standard Test Method for Moisture Absorption Properties and Equilibrium Conditioning of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials, American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM International, United States, 2004.ASTM-D5229/D5229M-92. Standard test method...
Moisture absorption of matrix composites ASTM D5229 scope: Moisture Absorption of Matrix Composites (ASTM D5229) is a gravimetric test method that monitors change over time of moisture content by measuring the total mass change of a coupon that is exposed to a specified environment. Within ASTM ...
ASTM D5229/D5229M-2014 中文名称:聚合物基复合材料水分吸收性能和平衡条件的标准试验方法 英文名称:Standard Test Method for Moisture Absorption Properties and Equilibrium Conditioning of Polymer Ma 中国标准分类(CCS):G31 国际标准分类(ICS):83.140.20...