TABLE2RequirementsforTypeIITurbineOils NOTE1—Thenatureofsometestsaresuchthattheyarenotnecessarilyrunoneachbatch.Thevaluesareonlyrecommendedvalues.Anoilthathas beenshowntoperformsuccessfullyintheintendedapplicationmaybesuitableforuseevenifallvaluesinTable2havenotbeensatisfied. ...
《ASTM有色金属标准.B171B171M.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM有色金属标准.B171B171M.pdf(7页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 Designation: B 171/B 171M 04e1 Standard Specifi cation for Copper-Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels, Condensers, and Heat Exchangers1 This standard...
2.2ASMEStandair/s:~inquiryororder(secTable匀。 ASMEB18.18.2MInspectionandQualityAssurancefor 7.AcceptanceCriteria High-VolumeMachineAssemblyFasteners ASMEBI8.I8QualityAssuranceforFasteners7.ITheacceptancecriteriaforTable3istoacceptthelotif 2.3ISOSra11dard.队4zerononconformingpartsarcdetect以Iintherandomsample...
Vickers hardness, Rockwell hardness, Rockwell superficial 1.7 Conversion Table 7 presents data on the relationship hardness, Knoop hardness, and Scleroscope hardness of non- among Brinell hardness, Vickers hardness, Rockwell hardness, austenitic steels including carbon, alloy, and tool steels in the...
Volume IX, Table 54C, 1980, $44. to Volumes III & IX, 1995, $44. CD-ROM that generates all the tables is $450
properties apply to the various grades and classes,and Table 2stipulates the requirements for Charpy impact energy absorption.The manufacturer should determine that the material can conform to these requirements before parts are manufactured.For example,when Grade L43is speci-fied to meet the Table ...
TABLE 1 Continued Titanium and Titanium-Base AlloysA UNS Designation Number Aluminum, Al Iron, Fe Palladium, Pd Vanadium, V Chromium, Cr Titanium, Ti Hydrogen, H Carbon, C Nitrogen, N Oxygen, O Alloy General Name Molybdenum, Mo Zirconium, Zr Tin, Sn Sili con, Si ResidualsB Ruthetonium,...
1 B 315 – 06 TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements C61300 Copper Alloy UNS No. CopperC Lead Iron Zinc Aluminum Manganese Silicon Tin Nickel (including cobalt) Phosphorus remainder 0.01 2.0–3.0 0.10 6.0–7.5 0.20 0.10 0.20–0.50 0.15 0.015 remainder 0.01 1.5–3.5 0.20 6.0–8.0 1.0 ... ... .....