ASTM A376- A376/A376M-98 - Specification for SeamlessAustenitic Steelpipe forhigh-temperaturecentral-station service ASTM A377 - A377-99 - Index of Specifications for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe ASTM A409 - A409/A409M-95ae1 - Specification for Welded Large Diameter Austenitic Steel Pipe for ...
前言本出版物为加拿大标准协会编制,包含CAN/CSA-S16中引用的ASTM标准.1-94,钢结构的极限状态设计.它将与CSA标准CAN/CSA-S16一起用作参考工具.1-94. 编制ASTM标准的目的是帮助用户使用CSA标准,而不是取代CAN/CSA-S16.1-94,这仍然是加拿大关于钢结构极限状态设计的唯一来源特定文件.\nASTM已将ASTM标准的目的和...
ASTM International - Standards for Steel Pipes, Tubes and Fittings The ASTM standards covers various types of steel pipes, tubes and fittings for high-temperature services, ordinary use and special applications such as fire protection use The ASTM International specifications for steel tubes list ...
“welded wire reinforcement” in this specification and inrelated specifications.1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem shall be used independently of...
ASTM standards for steel castings and forgings 这组ASTM规范涵盖了阀门、法兰、配件和其他高温和低温承压部件用钢和铸铁铸件和锻件的标准性能。This group of ASTM specifications covers standard properties of steel and iron castings and forgings for Valves, flanges, fittings, and other pressure containing ...
ASTM B-733 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTROLESS NICKEL (All Type 4 MidPhos4-9%; for aluminum, brass, copper & steel substrates) CLASS SERVICE MIN. THICKNESS Class 1 & 3 SC-0 Minimum .00004 Class 1 & 3 SC-1 Light .0002 Class 1 & 3 SC-2 Mild .0005 Class 1 & 3 SC-3 Moderate .001 ...
The Annual Book of ASTM Standards for Steel consists of 8 volumes. It contains formally approved ASTM standard classifications, guides, practices, specifications, test methods and terminology and related material such as proposals. These terms are defined as follows in the Regulations Governing ASTM ...
ASTM- American Society for Testing and Materials AMS- Aerospace Material Specification AISI- American Iron and Steel Institute IC- Investment Casting Institute MIL- Military Specification SAE- Society of Automotive Engineers ACI- Alloy Casting Institute IN- International Nickel QQ- Federal Specifications Ca...
SeeASTM A1085 Specification Sheetfor more. Your Industry’s Top Steel Tube Supplier & Service Provider No matter your industry’s specifications, Totten Tubes is dedicated to finding the right tube with the steel properties you require. We frequently supply steel tube for applications within the fo...
American Society for Testing and Materials A-27 steel, grade 60-30, is a low- to medium-carbon steel with a simple chemistry. This steel, like many other simple steels, is used in a wide variety of industries due to the low cost, ease of manufacturing an