ASTM G152 Standard Practice for Operating Open Flame Carbon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials ASTM G152非金属材料暴露用封闭式碳弧光仪器操作的标准实施规程 ASTM G152非金属材料暴露用封闭式碳弧光仪器操作的标准实施规程—适用范围 Scope:This practice covers the basic principles and o...
ASTM G152 下载积分: 100 内容提示: Designation: G152 – 06Standard Practice forOperating Open Flame Carbon Arc Light Apparatus forExposure of Nonmetallic Materials 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation G152; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of...
Designation: G152 − 13Standard Practice forOperating Open Flame Carbon Arc Light Apparatus forExposure of Nonmetallic Materials 1This standard is issued under the fi xed designation G152; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of rev...
ASTM G152-2006 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: Designation: G 152 – 06Standard Practice forOperating Open Flame Carbon Arc Light Apparatus forExposure of Nonmetallic Materials 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation G 152; the number immediately following the designation indicates the ...
开放式碳弧灯老化试验 ASTM G152-13(2021)在化学工业合成材料老化质量监督检验中心,我们提供开放式碳弧灯老化试验 开放式碳弧灯老化试验是一种常用的人工气候老化试验方法,可用于模拟材料在户外环境下的暴露,以评估材料的老化性能。我们提供的开放式碳弧灯老化试验符合ASTMG152-13(2021)标准。 检测报告:CMA/CNAS资...
标准号:ASTM G152-2013 检测标准/方法:非金属材料曝晒用开放式碳弧灯设备操作规程 ASTM G152-2013 检测对象:汽车零部件及材料 检测项目/参数:碳弧灯耐候性 相关标准 《QC/T 413-2002》汽车电气设备基本技术条件 QC/T 413-2002 3.11 《GB/T13492-1992》各色汽车用面漆 GB/T13492-1992 ...
ASTM G152 Standard Practice for Operating Open Flame Carbon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials ASTM G152 非金属材料曝光用明焰碳弧光仪器操作的标准规范 The use of this apparatus is intended to induce property changes associated with the end use conditions, including the effects ...
国际标准分类中,ASTM G152-13涉及到环境试验。在中国标准分类中,ASTM G152-13涉及到基础标准与通用方法。美国材料与试验协会,关于ASTM G152-13的标准ASTM G152-13 非金属材料暴露用封闭式碳弧光仪器操作的标准实施规程 ASTM G152-13(2021) 非金属材料暴露用封闭式碳弧光仪器操作的标准实施规程本站其他标准专题:...
[十年进口]SS400钢板A STM A105圆钢ASTM A36钢 板S355J2圆棒51CrV4 ¥5.00 查看详情 [十年进口]20Mn23AlV无磁钢SCM415H圆钢ASTM P91/P92钢管SUJ2钢棒 ¥5.00 查看详情 [十年进口]1.4057钢棒1.4410钢板1.4571不锈钢1.4547圆钢1.4122 ¥10.00 查看详情 [十年进口]904L不锈钢254SMO钢棒253MA钢板1.4529圆钢1RK91医疗钢 ¥10...
开放式碳弧灯老化试验是一种常用的人工气候老化试验方法,可用于模拟材料在户外环境下的暴露,以评估材料的老化性能。我们提供的开放式碳弧灯老化试验符合ASTM G152-13(2021)标准。 检测报告:CMA/CNAS资质 我们的实验室拥有中国管理认证(CMA)和中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)认可的检测资质。这些资质保证了我们的实...