Designation: F837 − 20Standard Specif i cation forStainless Steel Socket Head Cap Screws 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation F837; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision...
1.1 这些测试方法包括建立测试程序,以确定外螺纹和内螺纹紧固件、垫圈、直接张力指示器和铆钉的机械性能。1.2 性能要求和测定其适用的测试在各个产品标准中规定。在测试要求独特或与这些标准程序不一致的情况下,产品标准应规定控制测试要求。如果没有任何指定的测试要求,则应适用这些测试方法。 1.3 这些测试方法描述了用...
ASTM A358 Grade A240 Type 304L ASTM F837 Grade Property Class A1 DIN 1.4309 ASTM A403 Grade CR304L ASTM F879 Grade S30403 BS 304C12 ASTM A403 Grade 304L ASTM F880 Grade S30403 JIS SCS13 ASTM A403 Grade WP304L DIN 1.4306 EN GX2CrNi19-11 ASTM A409 Grade TP3...
ASTM A358 Grade A240 Type 304L ASTM F837 Grade Property Class A1 DIN 1.4309 ASTM A403 Grade CR304L ASTM F879 Grade S30403 BS 304C12 ASTM A403 Grade 304L ASTM F880 Grade S30403 JIS SCS13 ASTM A403 Grade WP304L DIN 1.4306 EN GX2CrNi19-11 ASTM A409 Grade TP304L DI...
1.1 这些测试方法涵盖了进行测试的程序的建立,以确定公制外螺纹和内螺纹紧固件、垫圈和铆钉的机械性能。1.2 性能要求和测定其适用的测试在各个产品标准中规定。在测试要求独特或与这些标准程序不一致的情况下,产品应指定控制测试要求。如果没有任何指定的测试要求,则应适用这些测试方法。1.3 这些测试方法描述了用于确定以...
Standard Practice for Fastener Sampling for Specified Mechanical Properties and Performance Inspection 被代替 哪些标准引用了ASTM F1470-12 ASTM A563/A563M-24 碳钢和合金钢螺母标准规范(英寸和公制)ASTM F593-24 不锈钢螺栓、六角带帽螺钉和螺柱的标准规范ASTM F880-24 不锈钢内六角头和开槽无头固定螺钉的标准...
F606-11a Standard Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and Rivets F606M-13 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, and Rivet...
ASTM F837-2008英制不锈钢圆柱头内六角螺钉 ASTM F837M-2002a不锈钢凹头螺钉-米制 ASTM F844-2004一般用途未淬火的扁平钢垫圈 ASTM F879-2008不锈钢管座凸头及扁平沉头六角螺钉 ASTM F879M-2008不锈钢管座凸头及扁平沉头六角螺钉 ASTM F880-2008不锈钢凹头定位螺钉 ASTM F880M-2008不锈钢凹头定位螺钉 ASTM F90...
《ASTM F1476-07(2013) Standard Specification for Performance of Gasketed Mechanical》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM F1476-07(2013) Standard Specification for Performance of Gasketed Mechanical(18页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 Designation F1476 07 Reapproved 2013 An American National Standard...
ASTM F837Stainless Steel Socket Head Cap Screws ASTM F879Stainless Steel Socket Button and Flat Countersunk Head Cap Screws ASTM F880Stainless Steel Socket Set Screws ASTM F912Alloy Steel Socket Set Screws STRUCTURAL FASTENER SECTION ASME B18.2.6Fasteners for Use in Structural Applications ...