Designation: F75 – 12Standard Specif i cation forCobalt-28 Chromium-6 Molybdenum Alloy Castings andCasting Alloy for Surgical Implants (UNS R30075) 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation F75; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or...
ASTM F75-12 钴 28 铬 6 钼合金铸件和外科植入物铸造合金标准规范 本规范规定了用于外科植入物应用的未完成钴 28 铬 6 钼 (UNS R30075) 熔模合金铸件及其用于制造外科植入物的球、棒或锭形式的铸造合金的要求。 本规范不适用于由铸件制成的完整外科植入物。 产品铸件和铸造合金都应符合规定的化学成分和机械...
(2008)e1 Metallurgical Materials Designation F67 - 06 F75 - 12 F86 - 12a F90 - 09 F136 - 12a F138 - 08 F139 - 12 F560 - 08 F562 - 07 F601 - 03(2008) F620 - 11 F621 - 12 F629 - 11 F688 - 10 F799 - 11 F899 - 12b F961 - 08 F1058 - 08 F1091 - 12 F1108 - ...
12: pp. 912-19Roy, S., et al., " Nucleation Kinetics and Microstructure Evolution of Traveling ASTM F75 Droplets ", Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 12, No. 9, pp. 912-919, Sep. 2010.ROY S,ANDO T.Nucleation kinetics and microstructure evolution of traveling ASTM F75 droplets. ...
E29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications E112Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size E354Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of High-Temperature,Electrical,Magnetic,and Other Similar Iron, Nickel,and Cobalt Alloys F75Specification ...
在中国标准分类中,astm f 1589-12涉及到合成树脂、塑料基础标准与通用方法、紧固件、矫形外科、骨科器械、塑料型材、总体技术要求、阀门、一般与显微外科器械、建筑五金、合成树脂、塑料、人类工效学、带绝缘层电线、电子元件综合、劳动防护用品、绝热、吸声、轻质与防火材料、警用装备与器械、金属设备与工艺管道安装工程...
内容提示: Designation: F75 – 12Standard Specif i cation forCobalt-28 Chromium-6 Molybdenum Alloy Castings andCasting Alloy for Surgical Implants (UNS R30075) 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation F75; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of ...
ASTM F75-12 钴 28 铬 6 钼合金铸件和外科植入物铸造合金标准规范 本规范规定了用于外科植入物应用的未完成钴 28 铬 6 钼 (UNS R30075) 熔模合金铸件及其用于制造外科植入物的球、棒或锭形式的铸造合金的要求。 本规范不适用于由铸件制成的完整外科植入物。 产品铸件和铸造合金都应符合规定的化学成分和机械...
12: pp. 912-19Roy, S., et al., " Nucleation Kinetics and Microstructure Evolution of Traveling ASTM F75 Droplets ", Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 12, No. 9, pp. 912-919, Sep. 2010.ROY S,ANDO T.Nucleation kinetics and microstructure evolution of traveling ASTM F75...
The solidification evolution of an ASTM F75 alloy was studied for samples quenched during directional cooling. These samples were obtained using five extraction rates (1.2–18 mm/min) and two temperature gradients (6 and 12 K/mm), leading to a 25-fold change in the cooling rate (0.13–3.31...