ASTM F2119-24 引用标准 ASTM F2052 ASTM F2182 ASTM F2213 ASTM F2503 适用范围 1.1 此测试方法表征了无源植入物(无需供电或外部电源即可运行的植入物)在磁共振 (MR) 图像中产生的失真和信号丢失伪影。任何未确定为 MR-Safe 或 MR-Conditional 的事物均被排除在外。 1.2 以 SI 单位表示的值被视为标准...
Designation: F2119 − 07 (Reapproved 2013)Standard Test Method forEvaluation of MR Image Artifacts from Passive Implants 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2119; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, ...
Designation: F2119 − 07 (Reapproved 2013)Standard Test Method forEvaluation of MR Image Artifacts from Passive Implants 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation F2119; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revisi...
ASTM F2119-24 引用标准 ASTM F2052ASTM F2182ASTM F2213ASTM F2503 适用范围 1.1 本测试方法表征了无源植入物(无需电力或外部电源即可工作的植入物)在磁共振(MR)图像中产生的失真和信号丢失伪影。任何未经确定为 MR 安全或 MR 条件的植入物均不包含在内。
05/15/2024.LANGUAGES: EnglishHISTORICAL EDITIONS: ASTM F2119-07(2013), ASTM F2119-07, ASTM F2...
HISTORICAL EDITIONS: ASTM F2119-07(2013), ASTM F2119-07, ASTM F2119-01 ASTM E2521-24 Standard Terminology for Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities STANDARD by ASTM International, 05/15/2024. LANGUAGES: English HISTORICAL EDITIONS: ASTM E2521-23, ASTM E2521-16, ASTM E2521-07a, ASTM E2521...
在中国标准分类中,astm +f2013涉及到基本有机化工原料、舾装设备综合、体育用品、土壤、水土保持、体育设施及器械、供水、排水器材设备、供气器材设备、合成树脂、塑料、工艺试验机与包装试验机、金属设备与工艺管道安装工程、供热器材设备、电子元件综合、金属结构工程、塑料型材、家用清洁、整容器具、炊事机具、基础标准与...
10、od for Measurement of Magnetically In-duced Displacement Force on Medical Devices in theMagnetic Resonance EnvironmentF2119 Test Method for Evaluation of MR Image Artifactsfrom Passive ImplantsF2213 Test Method for Measurement of Magnetically In-duced Torque on Medical Devices in the Magnetic Reso...
F.American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).standard test method for evaluation of MR image artifacts from passive implants.F2119-01. 2001... F. - F04.15 被引量: 0发表: 2001年 Latex protein levels in external condom catheters. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows for lab...
蜡烛测试标准。15.1中国(CN):QB/T 2119-2007 普通蜡烛 QB/T 2903-2007 灌装蜡烛QB/T 2902-2007 工艺蜡烛QB/T 4359-2012茶蜡蜡烛15.2欧盟(EU):EN 15493-2019蜡烛.消防安全规范EN 15426-2018蜡烛.燃灰性能规范15.3美国(US):ASTM F2417-2017 蜡烛的防火安全标准规范ASTM F2058-07(2021) 蜡烛防火安全标识的标...