ASTM F1717-21 适用范围 脊柱植入物通常由多个部件组成,当这些部件连接在一起时,形成脊柱植入物组件。脊柱植入组件设计用于在进行关节固定术时为脊柱提供一定的稳定性。这些测试方法概述了用于评估不同脊柱植入组件的标准材料和方法,以便可以促进不同设计之间的比较。这些测试方法用于量化不同设计的脊柱植入物组件的静态...
ASTM F1717-13 脊柱植入物结构在脊柱切除术模型上的标准试验方法 ASTM F1717-01 脊骨切除术模型中脊骨植入结构的标准试验方法 ASTM F1717-18 椎体切除模型中脊柱植入结构的标准试验方法 ASTM F1717-10 椎骨切除模型中脊骨植入结构的的标准试验方法 ASTM F1717-12a 脊柱植入物结构在脊柱切除术模型上的标准试验方法 ...
内容提示: SIGN IN MENU Designation: F1717 – 1015 Disclaimer: This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because it may not be technically possible to adequately ...
内容提示: Designation: F 1554 – 99Standard Specif i cation forAnchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and 105-ksi Yield Strength 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation F 1554; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of...
F1717-13 Standard Test Methods for Spinal Implant Constructs in a Vertebrectomy Model F1718-01(2013) Standard Specification for Rotary Positive Displacement Distillate Fuel Pumps F1719-96(2008) Standard Specification for Image-Interactive Stereotactic and Localization Systems F1720-06(2011) Standard Test...
(2021)ASTM F1717-21 脊骨切除术模型中脊骨植入结构的标准试验方法 (2021)ASTM F1731-21 消防和救援服务制服和其他热危害防护服的人体测量和尺寸的标准实施规程 (2021)ASTM F1735-21 修复带人孔管道的PVC衬底用聚氯乙烯(PVC)异型带材的标准规范 (2021)ASTM F1781-21 弹性挠性关节指杆全连接植入物的标准规范 (...
1、世界钢种 中国GB日本JIS美国ASTM德国无缝钢管对照表发布日期:2007-2-27 11:48:18浏览人数:34510钢种中国GB日本JIS美国ASTM德国牌号牌号标准号钢号钢号材料号标准号碳 素钢管(Q235)GGPSTPY4,G3452G3457(A53钢种F)A283-D(St33)1.0033DIN162610STPG3!3G3454A135-AA53-A(St37)1.0110DIN1626STPG3!3G3456A106...
ASTM F121-83e1 ASTM F108-88e1 ASTM E2032-09(2017)Standard Guide for Extension of Data From Fire Resistance Tests Conducted in Accordance with ASTM E 119 ASTM E1-03aStandard Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers ASTM E100-17Standard Specification for ASTM Hydrometers ...
Current edition approved Jan.10,2000.Published March2000.Originally published as F1941–98.Last previous edition F1941–98.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.02.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol02.05. 1 Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA1...
1.7361 32CrMo12 - 722M24 40B 30CD12 32CrMo12 32CrMo12 2240 F.124.A 1.7380 10CrMo910 - 1501-622Gr.31;45 - 12CD9;10 12CrMo9,10 - 2218 TU.H 1.7715 14MoV63 - 1503-660-440 - - - 13MoCrV6 - 13MoCrV6 1.8159 50CrV4 50CrVA 735A50 47 50CV4 50CrV4 50CrV4 2230 51CrV4 1.8509 41CrA...