(高清正版) ASTM F1342 - F 1342M - 05 (2013)e1 星级: 6 页 1342 - ASTM International 星级: 11 页 ASTM--F2413-2005 (ASTM, F2413, 2005) 星级: 7 页 astm--f2413-2005 (astm, f2413, 2005) 星级: 7 页 ASTM F963 星级: 20 页 ASTM F 1342 - F 1342M - 05 (2013)e1 Sta...
ASTM F1342/F1342M-05(2013)e1 当前最新 ASTM F1342/F1342M-05(2022) 引用标准 ASTM D2582ASTM D3767 适用范围 该测试方法评估防护服材料的抗穿刺性,这些材料可能包括塑料或弹性体薄膜、涂层织物、柔性材料、层压材料或纺织材料。该测试方法并非旨在测量使用防护服材料时遇到的所有类型穿刺的抗穿刺性。该测试方法...
ASTM F1342/F1342M-05(2022) 引用标准 ASTM D2582ASTM D3767 购买 正式版 该测试方法评估防护服材料的抗穿刺性,这些材料可能包括塑料或弹性体薄膜、涂层织物、柔性材料、层压材料或纺织材料。该测试方法并非旨在测量使用防护服材料时遇到的所有类型穿刺的抗穿刺性。该测试方法涉及使用指定尺寸的穿刺探针穿刺样本的程序...
Designation: F1342/F1342M − 05 (Reapproved 2013) ´1Standard Test Method forProtective Clothing Material Resistance to Puncture 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1342/F1342M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the ...
This standard is issued under thefixed designation F1342;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an...
(2022-02-01)ASTM F1342/F1342M-05(2022) 防护服材料抗穿刺的标准试验方法 (2022-02-01)ASTM F2598-22 密封储物箱(如雪松箱、希望箱、毯子箱、纪念品箱)的消费者安全标准规范 (2022-01-15)ASTM F1356-22e1 控制病原体和其他微生物的新鲜、冷冻或加工肉和家禽的辐照标准指南 (2022-01-15)ASTM F2510...
(Pneumatic)ASTM-F1342 Protective Clothing Material Resistance to Puncture THS174-6.4-0.25-0.51 THS1180 ASTM-F1566 Evaluation of Innersprings, Boxsprings, Mattresses or Mattress Sets, Mattress Firmness & Deformation THS1463-215.9x355.6xR108 TH36-D344-R1-4xKm8x40-Al+THS223b Fig1 ...
F1342-05 Standard Test Method for Protective Clothing Material Resistance to Puncture F1344-12e1 Standard Specification for Rubber Floor Tile F1345-10a Standard Specification for Zinc-5 % Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric F1346-91(2010) Standard Performance Specification ...
ASTM F2878-19 引用标准 ASTM D1776 ASTM D1777 ASTM D2000 ASTM D2582 ASTM E4 ASTM F1342 购买 正式版 该测试方法评估防护服材料的抗穿刺性,其中可能包括:塑料或弹性体薄膜、涂层织物、柔性材料、层压材料、皮革或纺织材料。该测试方法使用规定尺寸的皮下注射针作为穿刺探针。该测试方法评估防护服材料的抗...
ASTM F 1342-1991防护服装耐穿刺能力的测试方法Test Method for Protective Clothing Material Resistance to Puncture ASTM F 1343-1991麻醉设备.麻醉气体净化系统Anesthetic Equipment - Scavenging Systems for Anesthetic Gases ASTM F 1344-1993橡胶地板砖Rubber Floor Tile ...