ASTM E872-24 引用标准 ASTM D2013ASTM D346ASTM E871 适用范围 1.1 本测试方法测定在特定测试条件下释放的颗粒木质燃料分析样品中气态产物(不包括水蒸气)的百分比。颗粒木质燃料可以是沙尘、锯末、颗粒、绿树碎片、粗碎燃料或最大颗粒体积为16.39cm3(1in.3)的其他类型颗粒木质燃料。当如本文所述测定时,挥发性物...
ASTM E872-82(2019)的标准全文信息,1.1 本测试方法测定在特定测试条件下释放的颗粒木质燃料分析样品中气态产物(不包括水蒸气)的百分比。颗粒木质燃料可以是沙尘、锯末、颗粒、绿树碎片、粗碎燃料或最大颗粒体积为16.39cm3(1in.3)的其他类型颗粒木质燃料。当如本文所述测定
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ASTM E872-82(2013)的耗材谱信息,1.1 本测试方法测定在特定测试条件下释放的颗粒木质燃料分析样品中气态产物(不包括水蒸气)的百分比。颗粒木质燃料可以是砂屑、锯末、颗粒、绿树碎片、粗碎燃料或最大颗粒体积为16.39cm3(1in.3)的其他类型颗粒木质燃料。当如本文所述测定时
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ASTM E872 - 82(2006) Standard Test Method for Volatile Matter in the Analysis of Particulate Wood Fuels - See all versionsASTM E873 - 82(2006) Standard Test Method for Bulk Density of Densified Particulate Biomass Fuels - See all versionsASTM E874 - 11 Standard Practice for Adhesive Bonding...
HISTORICAL EDITIONS: ASTM E872-82(2019), ASTM E872-82(2013), ASTM E872-82(2006), ASTM E872-82(1998) ASTM E2840-11(2024) Standard Practice for Pavement Condition Index Surveys for Interlocking Concrete Roads and Parking Lots STANDARD by ASTM International, 05/01/2024. LANGUAGES: English ...
HISTORICAL EDITIONS: ASTM E872-82(2019), ASTM E872-82(2013), ASTM E872-82(2006), ASTM E872-82(1998) ASTM E2840-11(2024) Standard Practice for Pavement Condition Index Surveys for Interlocking Concrete Roads and Parking Lots STANDARD by ASTM International, 05/01/2024. LANGUAGES: English ...
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