2023版这两卷共收录237个标准, 共2340页。03卷收录164个标准,04卷收录73个标准,发布时间为2023年10月 。内容包括射线参考底片、射线(中子、X、伽马)检测、数字射线、声发射检测、渗透检测、磁粉检测、电磁检测、泄露检测和超声检测等内容。 详细目录如下: ASTM Volume 03.03, 更新时间 2023年10月 (B594-E...
2023年 总页数 8页 发布单位 美国材料与试验协会 替代标准 ASTM A275/A275M-23 当前最新 ASTM A275/A275M-23 引用标准 ASTM A508/A508MASTM A788/A788MASTM E1351ASTM E1444/E1444MASTM E165/E165MASTM E709 适用范围 1.1 本实践2涵盖了钢锻件的磁粉检验程序。该程序将产生一致的结果,作为验收标准的基...
In the case of field examination for machinery components originally manufactured from steel forgings, ASTM guide E709 may be utilized. A wide range of imperfections can be considered as flaws in steel forging. Some of these flaws originate from the starting materials, and others are caused by ...
In the case of field examination for machinery components originally manufactured from steel forgings, ASTM guide E709 may be utilized. A wide range of imperfections can be considered as flaws in steel forging. Some of these flaws originate from the starting materials, and others are caused by ...