Level2andlevel3radiographsperASTME446 Level2radiographsA2GASPOROCITY Level2radiographsB2SANDANDINCLUSION Level2radiographsSHRINKAGEPOROCITYCA2 Level2radiographsSHRINKAGEPOROCITYCB2 Level2radiographsSHRINKAGEPOROCITYCC2 Level2radiographsSHRINKAGEPOROCITYCD2 Level3radiographsGASPOROCITYA3 Level3radiographsSANDANDINCLUSION...
Each set consists of 6 categories of graded discon-tinuities in increasing severity level and 4 categories ofungraded discontinuites furnished as examples only, as fol-lows:1.2.1 Category A—Gas porosity; severity levels 1 through5.1.2.2 Category B—Sand and slag inclusions; severity levels1 ...
ReferenceRadiograph standards E446 and E186 provide some overlap of severitylevels for similar discontinuity categories within the same energy levelrange (see 4.2, 5.1, and 6.3).1.2 These reference radiographs consist of three separatevolumes (see Note 3) as follows: (I) medium voltage (nominal250...
ASTM E446:2 英寸[51 毫米]厚度以下钢铸件标准射线照片。这些标准射线照片说明截面厚度在 2 英寸[51 毫米]以下钢铸件的非连续性的各种类型和程度。Category 分类Defect Name 缺陷名称Severity level严重等级AGasporosity气孔1-5 级BSandand slag inclusions夹砂和夹渣(
ReferenceRadiograph standards E446 and E186 provide some overlap of severitylevels for similar discontinuity categories within the same energy levelrange (see 4.2, 5.1, and 6.3).1.2 These reference radiographs consist of three separatevolumes (see Note 3) as follows: (I) medium voltage (nominal250...
A level 3 casting would be one in which all of the defect levels were no greater than level 3. All of the casting defect levels are based upon reference radiographs published in the E446 reference radiograph comparative plates books. These radiograph books are what are referenced in the E446...
ASTME446-2015标准+图谱X光片2英寸[50.8毫米]厚度以下钢铸件标准参考射线底片.pdf,Designation: E446 − 15 Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to 2 in. (50.8 mm) in Thickness1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation E446; the n
ASTM E446 - 10 Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to 2 in. (50.8 mm) in Thickness - See all versionsASTM E448 - 82(2008) Standard Practice for Scleroscope Hardness Testing of Metallic Materials - See all versionsASTM E449 - 08 Standard Test Methods for Analysis of ...
A 类气孔,等级3——ASTM E466- A-GAS说明ASTM E446-A- GAS说明综述—A类气孔是指夹杂在铸件内部的残余气孔,形状呈细小球状;标准分5个等级,分别叙述如下: 1、—A-GAS POROSITY LEVEL 1A类气孔,等级1——(1)单个气孔,最大直径不超过Φ2.5mm;(2)清晰可见的Φ0.5mm以上气孔之间的相对距离超过筐勾甫琴孤藕官...