ASTM E2375标准是关于锻造产品超声波检验的最低要求。这个标准适用于锻制金属和锻制金属制品等材料的检验,规定了验收等级,并在实践中规定了具体的要求和操作步骤。用户在使用ASTM E2375标准时应仔细检查其要求,并根据实际需要进行适当调整。 此外,不同的标准和规范可能有不同的应用范围和要求,用户在使用时应进行比较...
ASTM E2375 下载积分: 150 内容提示: Designation: E2375 – 08Standard Practice forUltrasonic Testing of Wrought Products 1, 2This standard is issued under the f i xed designation E2375; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of ...
内容提示: Designation: E2375 − 08 (Reapproved 2013)Standard Practice forUltrasonic Testing of Wrought Products 1,This standard is issued under the f i xed designation E2375; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the...
ASTM E2375-04 锻造产品超声检验的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Wrought Products 当前最新 适用范围 本规程主要用于根据采购订单或其他合同文件中最典型规定的超声波等级对锻制金属、锻造、轧制、机加工零件或组件进行检查。 1.1 目的本规程规定了锻制产品超声波检验的最低要求。注 1:...
国际标准分类中,astm e 2375涉及到分析化学、信息技术应用、消防、文娱活动设备、涂料配料、热力学和温度测量。在中国标准分类中,astm e 2375涉及到金属无损检验方法、消防综合、信息处理技术综合、体育设施及器械、涂料辅助材料、温度与压力仪表。美国材料与试验协会,关于astm e 2375的标准...
Designation: E2375 − 08 (Reapproved 2013)Standard Practice forUltrasonic Testing of Wrought Products 1,This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2375; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last...
AMS-STD-2154/ASTM-E-2375线材种类:SVD20BT线料、80CrV2卷线、40CrMoNIA圆线、0Cr15Ni7Mo2A1园线、1.5522 1.5523 1.5524 1.5525冷拉线、Mild-Steel低碳钢冷镦线、astM 9255热轧线、GS60条料、C90700盘线 STEEL LRON ALLOY FE- 1020棒材 、12Ch25T棒料、SKH54光圆棒、SB46/SCr240光亮棒、SMA400...
作者:百检网时间:2022-08-13 标准号:ASTM E2375-2016 检测标准/方法:锻件的超声波检测 ASTM E2375-2016 检测对象:金属材料(包括焊接接头) 检测项目/参数:超声检测 相关标准 《GB/T12234-2019》钢制闸阀 《CJ/T216-2013》给排水用软密封闸阀 《GB/T12234-2019》钢制闸阀 ...
ASTM E2375-22 December 1, 2022 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Wrought Products 1.1 Purpose—This practice establishes the minimum requirements for ultrasonic examination of wrought products. Note 1: This practice was adopted to replace MIL-STD-2154, 30 Sept. 1982. This practice......
ASTM E2375-16 December 1, 2016 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Wrought Products 1.1 Purpose—This practice establishes the minimum requirements for ultrasonic examination of wrought products. Note 1: This standard was adopted to replace MIL-STD-2154, 30 Sept. 1982. This standard... ...