ASTM E2174-20a 适用范围 这种做法的目的是提供一套标准的指导方针,在对已安装的防火阀进行检查和报告时应遵循这些指导方针。这种做法的目的是提供一种方法来验证已安装的防火阀是否符合检查文件。此做法无意为选择安装程序或产品或两者提供基础。本实践无意为所检查的防火站建立任何性能标准。1.1 本实践涵盖建立检查...
ASTM E2174-20a 适用范围 1.1 本实践涵盖了检查防火产品和防火系统的程序的建立,包括现场验证和检查的方法。国际建筑规范第 17 章“特别检查”中引用了这一做法。 1.2 这种做法适用于所有类型的防火产品,这些产品一旦安装到经过测试和列出的系统或判断到耐火组件中,就成为防火系统。注 1:防火系统在测试方法 E814 ...
1.2 This practice addresses all types of fire stops installed through or into fire resistive assemblies. Note 1—Fire stop is defined in Test Method E814. 1.3 This practice provides methods by which qualified inspectors verify that required fire stops on a project have been installed and that th...
1、ASTM D7636 D7636M-11(2024) Standard Practice for Sampling and Analysis of Modified Bitumen Roof Systems 2、ASTM E2181 E2181M-24 Standard Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Noble Metal Thermocouples and Thermocouple Cable 3、ASTM D8487-24 Standard Specification for Na...
B103/B103M-98e2磷青铜板、薄板、带材和轧制棒材StandardSpecificationforPhosphorBronzePlate,Sheet,Strip,andRolledBar B105-00电导线用冷拉制铜合金线StandardSpecificationforHard-DrawnCopperAlloyWiresforElectricConductors B106-96(2002)e1恒温金属挠性的试验方法StandardTestMethodsforFlexivityofThermostatMetals B107/B...
标准号:ASTM E2174-2004 中文标准名称:已安装的防火墙现场检验的标准实施规范 英文标准名称:Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Stops 标准类型:P16 发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00 实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00 中国标准分类号:P16 ...
17、B101-02建筑结构用包铅铜薄板和带材Standard Specification for Lead-Coated Copper Sheet and Strip for Building ConstructionB102-00铅和锡合金压模铸件Standard Specification for Lead- and Tin-Alloy Die CastingsB103/B103M-98e2磷青铜板、薄板、带材和轧制棒材Standard Specification for Phosphor Bronze Plate...
Free-Machining Stainless Steel Wire and Wire Rods 热轧或冷精轧的高速切削不锈及耐热钢棒 镀锌平行和螺旋形钢丝绳 Standard Specification for Free-Machining Stainless Steel Bars Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated Parallel and Helical Steel Wire Structural Strand and Zinc- Coated Wire for Spun-In-...
标准号:ASTM E2174-2014b 中文标准名称:对已安装挡火物进行现场检查的标准实践规程 英文标准名称:Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Firestops 发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00 实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00 国际标准分类号:13.220.20 ...