格式:PDF 页数:87 大小:2.77MB《ASTM E2112-2007 Standard Practice for Installation of Exterior Windows Doors and Skylights《外部窗、门和天窗的安装用标准实施规程》.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM E2112-2007 Standard Practice for Installation of Exterior Windows Doors and Skylights《外部窗...
ASTM F2112-02(2011)薄膜开关标准术语 Designation:F2112−02(Reapproved 2011)Standard Terminology for Membrane Switches 1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2112;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the ...
25MHz ±20ppm 2.25V~3.63V LVCMOS 品牌名称ABRACON 商品型号ASTMHTA-25.000MHZ-AJ-E-T 商品编号C17487385 商品封装SMD2016-4P 包装方式 编带 商品毛重 1克(g) 数据手册 商品参数 资料纠错查看类似商品 属性参数值 商品目录 预编程振荡器 频率 25MHz 频率稳定度 ±20ppm 属性参数值 输出模式 LVCMOS 工作电压...
ASTMLPFL-66.666MHZ-EJ-E-T 商品编号 C1992112 商品封装 SMD5032-4P 包装方式 编带 商品毛重 0.001克(g) 商品参数 频率稳定性±20ppm 安装类型表面贴装型 频率66.666MHz 电流-供电(最大值)7.5mA 高度-安装(最大值)0.031"(0.80mm) 封装/外壳4-SMD,无引线 ...
ASTME711 用干砂/橡胶轮装置测定磨蚀 ASTMG65 使用气体喷雾器进行固体微粒水锤(点)腐蚀试验 ASTMG76 用块环磨损试验进行材料抗滑动磨损分级 ASTMG77 用销盘试验进行磨损检测 ASTMG99 用于湿砂橡胶轮试验机测量磨耗 ASTMG105 ISO标准 对照国标 ISO3405ISO3841 GB/T6536GB/T2539 ISO3987 GB/T2433GB/T507 ISO...
格式:PDF 页数:14 大小:168.03KB《ASTM E241-2009 7500 Standard Guide for Limiting Water-Induced Damage to Buildings《建筑物抗水损坏极限的标准指南》.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM E241-2009 7500 Standard Guide for Limiting Water-Induced Damage to Buildings《建筑物抗水损坏极限的标准指南...
格式:PDF 页数:10 大小:204.98KB《ASTM F1145-2005 Standard Specification for Turnbuckles Swaged Welded Forged《型锻、焊接、锻制松紧螺纹扣的标准规范》.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM F1145-2005 Standard Specification for Turnbuckles Swaged Welded Forged《型锻、焊接、锻制松紧螺纹扣的标准规范...
格式:PDF 页数:7 大小:103.17KB 《ASTM D5989-2005 Standard Specification for Extruded and Monomer Cast Shapes Made from Nylon (PA)《尼龙制的挤压和单体铸造型材的标准规范》.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM D5989-2005 Standard Specification for Extruded and Monomer Cast Shapes Made from Nyl...
2112 +316 /-1163212 +316 /-1164312 +316 /-3325412 +316 /-3326512 +316 /-18For members greater than 6 in. in nominal t 39、hickness thetolerance on thickness shall be +316 /-18 inch.5.4 WidthUnless otherwise specified in 4.1.8, productwidth shall be:For members less than 3 in. ...
格式:PDF 页数:11 大小:355.82KB《ASTM D7702-2011 0795 Standard Guide for Considerations When Evaluating Direct Shear Results Involving Geosynthetics《评估涉及土工合成材料的直接剪切结果时考虑事项的标准指南》.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM D7702-2011 0795 Standard Guide for Considerations When...