Designation: E1300 − 24Standard Practice forDetermining Load Resistance of Glass in Buildings 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation E1300; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revi...
E1300 谐波改善 星级: 19 页 ASTM D2000-12 [高清版] 星级: 53 页 ASTM D1056-14 [高清版] 星级: 15 页 ASTM D4394-17 [高清版] 星级: 11 页 ASTM E1300 1 (EN)Standard 星级: 55 页 【高清版】ASTM A213-17 星级: 14 页 【高清版】ASTM A322-13 星级: 4 页 【...
ASTM-E1300 1. Introduction ASTM-E1300 refers to the standard practice for determining the load resistance of glass in buildings. This document outlines the guidelines and methodologies for determining the load resistance of glass used in different applications, such as doors, windows, and curtain ...
ASTM E1300-24 适用范围 1.1 本实践描述了确定特定玻璃类型的负载阻力的程序,包括密封中空玻璃单元中使用的玻璃类型的组合,暴露于短期或长期的均匀横向负载,以达到规定的破裂概率。 1.2 本实践适用于指定设计荷载由风荷载、雪荷载和自重组成且总强度小于或等于 10 kPa (210 psf) 的建筑物中的垂直和倾斜玻璃。本实...
在中国标准分类中,astm e1300-16a涉及到建筑玻璃、陶瓷、玻璃综合、基础标准与通用方法、家具综合、金属力学性能试验方法、家具制品、化学、工厂防火防爆安全技术、建筑物理、焊接与切割、温度与压力仪表、工程防火。 美国材料与试验协会,关于astm e1300-16a的标准...
In the late 1980s, the GFPM was used to develop glass thickness selection information that is incorporated in ASTM E 1300-94. The purpose of this paper is to provide documentation for the ASTM E 1300-94 glass thickness selection procedure and to propose improvements. The proposed improvements ...
《【ASTM标准】E 1300 - 12ae1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【ASTM标准】E 1300 - 12ae1(59页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 12a1is 1300; in of of A in of ) an or to of of in a to a of or of to of a or 5 315 to to,to of or 1) in (2) on as a 3) on as ...
牌号 E4340 H 美国UNS H43406 注:钢中含铅(Pb)0.15~0.35%,该类钢号在第2、3位数字之间加字母“L”,例如40L40H。替代历史 ASTM A 304 - 2004 ASTM A304 - 2016 我要采购 我能供货 类似产品及供货信息 GB 3289.26 - 1982 可锻铸铁管路连接件型式尺寸 内接头 GB /T 19326 - 2022 锻制支管座 GB ...
【德国Binder宾德】环境模拟箱MK 56、MK 115、MK 240、MK 400、MK 720、MK 1000、MKF 56、MKF 115、MKF 240、MKF 400、MKF 720、MKF 1000、MKT 115、MKT 240、MKT 400、MKT 720、MKT 1000、MKFT 115、MKFT 240、MKFT 400、MKFT 720、MKFT 1000;真空安全干燥箱烘箱E 28、ED 23、ED 400、ED 56、...
(A447 or A447M) applies,4.1.3 The version of the alloy, i.e., Type I or Type II, to besupplied (Sections 1, 11, 12, 13, and 14).4.1.4 Options in the specif i cation (Section 9), and4.1.5 The supplementary requirements desired including thestandards of acceptance.1 This ...