Designation: E1742/E1742M – 11Standard Practice forRadiographic Examination 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation E1742/E1742M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A ...
Designation: E1742/E1742M − 12Standard Practice forRadiographic Examination 1This standard is issued under the fi xed designation E1742/E1742M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A ...
ASTM E1742 E1742M-18 射线照相检验的标准实施规程(中文版).pdf,t在困网相U战础拙’必宙品由国盼惜生!)lg,\!!是《TBT)盖自告制制饼子4;由立自陌拍他指南事也i时!融~!nJ酶盒’咽illll翩际告认邸剖Utt副制在tlJ. /“民 11!ν 名称: E1742 / E1742M-18 『盲目三 自悯甜
1 t (2)where:SFD = source-to-f i lm distance,Ug = geometric unsharpness,F = size of radiation source, using the manufacturer’snominal size or the effective focal spot size inaccordance with Test Method E 1165, andt = distance from the source side of the object to thef i lm (rega...
ASTM E1742-05 当前最新 ASTM E1742/E1742M-23 适用范围 1.1 本实践规定了金属和非金属材料射线照相检验的最低要求。1.2 适用性——本实践中的射线照相检查标准适用于所有类型的金属和非金属材料。本实践中表达的要求旨在控制射线照相图像的质量,并非旨在建立零件和材料的验收标准。1.3 应用基础 - 本实践中的...
小径管焊缝射线照相标准的实践与问题研讨.pdf 热度: HA-VAL-311-单元测试结果报告 热度: 相关推荐 标准T匕 对ASTME1742--2008标准射线照相 质量级别规定的讨论 郑世才 (新立机器厂,北京 100039) 摘 要:基于射线照相基本理论,对ASTME1742- 2008标准关于射线照相质量级别的规定 进行了分析讨论,并与IS0标准的规...
ASTM E1742/E1742M-23 引用标准 ASTM E1025 ASTM E1030 ASTM E1032 ASTM E1079 ASTM E1165 ASTM E1254 ASTM E1255 ASTM E1316 ASTM E1390 ASTM E1411 ASTM E1416 ASTM E1815 ASTM E2033 ASTM E2698 ASTM E543 ASTM E747 ASTM E801 ASTM E94 ASTM E999 AWS A2.4 ISO 10012 ISO 5579 MIL-STD...
( 1711 n., 3228,7910 00, e ( 25 W. 43t.,40036, , 4, 700 9111 1221030, 1416 to in be 10, by or as be in or f in be 543. 543 be in he to of or 47,16, 44 be as to so a by or be so be in of be of of or in of he or be an to of () be on or 1815 ...
进行了分析讨论,并与ISO标准的规定进行了比较。结果指出,ASTME1742—2008标准基于 ASTME1025标准规定的射线照相质量级别,每个级别本身对各厚度并不是等价的,与工业射线 照相技术也不构成一个协调的系统。 关键词:射线照相;标准;灵敏度;质量级别 文章编号:100026656(2009)0920731207中图分类号:TG115.28文献标志码:A ...
ASTM D1742-24 储存期间润滑油分离油的标准试验方法 (2024-11-01) ASTM D1748-24 金属防腐剂在湿箱中防锈的标准试验方法 (2024-11-01) ASTM D2229-24 钢轮胎帘线和橡胶之间的粘合性的标准试验方法 (2024-11-01) ASTM D2714-24 Falex Block-on-Ring摩擦磨损试验机的标定和操作标准测试方法 (2024-11-01...