内容提示: Designation: D870 − 15Standard Practice forTesting Water Resistance of Coatings Using WaterImmersion 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D870; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the ...
实施日期 2009-08-01 全文页数 7 原版价格 10.00元 是否译文 是 译文报价 70.00元 译文格式 PDF/Word 目录简介 目录 1. 范围 2. 引用文件 3. 概要 4. 意义和使用 5. 装置 6. 试验试样 7. 程序 8. 报告 9. 关键词 关键字 ASTM D870 中文版...
Designation:D870–9702 Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Water Immersion1 This standard is issued under thefixed designation D870;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision...
02 水中锰含量的试验方法D859-05 水中二氧化硅的测试方法D861-01a 用特克斯制命名纤维,纱的半制品,纱和其它纺织品线度D865-99(2005) 橡胶的空气中加热变质试验方法(试管法)D866-99(2004) 电线及电缆用丁苯合成橡胶套D868-85(2003) 路标漆渗色程度评价的试验方法D869-85(2004) 涂漆沉降程度评价试验方法D870-02...
?涂漆沉降程度评价试验方法 D870-02 ? ?水浸渍法涂层耐水试验 D871-96(2004) ? ?测试乙酸纤维素的试验方法 D873-02 ? ?航空燃料的氧化稳定性的测试方法 D874-06 ? ?润滑油和添加剂中硫酸盐类灰分的测试方法 D876-00 ? ?电绝缘用刚性氧化乙烯聚合物管的测试方法 D877-02e1 ? ?用圆盘电极测定电绝缘...
1.3ThisstandarddoesnotpurporttoaddressalloftheD870PracticeforTestingWaterResistanceofCoatings safetyconcerns,ifany,associatedwithitsuse.ItistheUsingWaterImmersion responsibilityoftheuserofthisstandardtoestablishappro- D968TestMethodsforAbrasionResistanceofOrganic ...
ASTM D1735-21的标准全文信息,1.1 本实践涵盖了在类似于盐雾测试的设备中测试涂层耐水性的基本原理和操作程序。 1.2 本实践仅限于获得、测量和控制水雾试验条件和程序的方法。它没有指定样品制备、具体测试条件或结果评估。注 1——测试涂层防水性的替代做法包括做法 D870、
ASTM B117ASTM D1014ASTM D1735ASTM D2247ASTM D2803ASTM D4141ASTM D4585ASTM D4587ASTM D5894ASTM D610ASTM D6695ASTM D7087ASTM D714ASTM D822ASTM D870ASTM E3ASTM E691ASTM G85ASTM G87 购买 正式版 1.1 本试验方法涵盖了加速和大气暴露试验中对之前涂漆或涂层样品的处理,以及随后对腐蚀、与腐蚀相关的起...
(Fog) ApparatusD610 Practice for Evaluating Degree of Rusting on PaintedSteel SurfacesD714 Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Blistering ofPaintsD822 Practice for Filtered Open-Flame Carbon-Arc Expo-sures of Paint and Related CoatingsD870 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of CoatingsUsing Water ...
NOTE 1—Alternative practices for testing the water resistance of coatings include Practices D870, D1735, and D4585. 1.4 This practice is limited to the methods of obtaining, measuring, and controlling the conditions and procedures of tests conducted in 100 % relative humidity. It does not specif...