内容提示: Designation: D751 − 19Standard Test Methods forCoated Fabrics 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D751; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in ...
内容提示: Designation: D751 − 06 (Reapproved 2011)Standard Test Methods forCoated Fabrics 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D751; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last ...
In the case of coated knit fabrics, the breaking strength may be more satisfactorily determined by the bursting strength method which shall be used when specied. Procedure A—Grab Test Method 12. Testing Machine 12.1 The machine shall consist of three main parts: 2 Not for Resale D 751 12.1...
ASTM D751-06Standard Test Methods for Coated Fabrics These test methods cover, but are not limited to, rubber-coated fabrics, that is, tarpaulins, rainwear, and similar products.Search results Apply Test types Tensile strength wing tear (Winkelmann/Graves) puncture shear grab method (fabrics)...
ASTM-D751 Standard Test Methods for Coated Fabrics THS453-D44.45-R12.7 THS453-F0.8V30-Am159 ASTM-D790 Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials TH103 TH238 ASTM-D828 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Paper and Paperboard Us...
ASTM D2208 - 00(2010) Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength of Leather by the Grab Method - See all versionsASTM D2209 - 00(2010) Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Leather - See all versionsASTM D2210 - 00(2012) Standard Test Method for Grain Crack and Extension of ...
6.2Thethicknesstoleranceshallbe+15%,−10%oftheFabric)—OpticalMethod,seeAnnexA1. thicknessagreeduponbetweenthepurchaserandr,but8.4BreakingStrength—TestMethodsD751,GrabMethod. innocaseshallthethicknessbelessthantheminimumlisted8.5TensileStrength—TestMethodsD412,DieC. inTable1.8.6DynamicPuncture—TestMethodD...
ASTM纺织类标准2010英文版目录 前 言 ASTM系美国材料与试验协会的英文缩写。ASTM 标准分以下六种类型。(1)标准试验方法(Standard Test Method)它是为鉴定、检测和评估材料、产品、系统或服务的质量、特性及参数等指标而采用的规定程序。(2)标准规范(Standard Specification) 它对材料、产品、系统,或项目提出技术要求...
35、ven heat is then used for testing of breakingstrength, tensile strength, elongation, tear resistance, and linear dimensional change. (Linear dimensional change tests samplebefore and after exposure to dark oven heat.)8.15.1 Breaking StrengthTest Method D751, Grab Method.8.15.2 Tensile Strength...
In the case of coated knit fabrics, the breaking strength may be more satisfactorily determined by the bursting strength method which shall be used when specied. Procedure A—Grab Test Method 12. Testing Machine 12.1 The machine shall consist of three main parts: D 751 12.1.1 Straining ...