astmd746标准ASTM D746是美国材料与试验协会制定的一个关于材料断裂的标准。 ASTM D746标准定义了脆性破坏,即断裂为2个或更多个碎片,或肉眼可见的任何裂纹。©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
HISTORICAL EDITIONS: ASTM D746-20, ASTM D746-14, ASTM D746-13, ASTM D746-07, ASTM D746-04, ASTM D746-98e1 Description 1.1 This test method covers the determination of the temperature at which plastics and elastomers (as defined by Terminology D883) exhibit brittle failure under specified ...
(正版) ASTM D746-2015 . 星级: 41 页 (正版) ASTM D746-2015 星级: 41 页 ASTM D 746-2004 星级: 7 页 ASTM D 746-04中文版.pdf 星级: 15 页 (正版标准) ASTM D746-2015. 星级: 41 页 (高清正版) ASTM D746-2015 星级: 41 页 【美国材料标准】 ASTM D746-2015 星级: 41...
内容提示: Designation: D 746 – 98Standard Test Method forBrittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers byImpact1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 746; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the ...
ASTM D 746-04中文版
Puncture strength(N) ASTM D4833-0(2013)EL ≥703 ≥640 dimensional stability,% MD ASTM D1204 ±2 ±2 CD ±2 ±2 water vapor permeability coefficient²s.Pa) GB/T 1037-1988 ≤1.0*10-12 ≤1.0*10-13 -70ºC embrittlement temperature impact performance ASTM D74...
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Puncture strength(N)ASTM D4833-0(2013)EL≥703≥640 dimensional stability,%MDASTM D1204±2±2 CD±2±2 water vapor permeability coefficient²s.Pa)GB/T 1037-1988≤1.0*10-12≤1.0*10-13 -70ºC embrittlement temperature impact performanceASTM D746pass ...
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