ASTM D7328ASTM D7328 Significance and Use Sulfates and chlorides may be found in filter plugging deposits and fuel injector deposits. The acceptability for use of the fuel components and the finished fuels depends on the sulfate and chloride content. Existent and potential inorganic sulfate and ...
标准号:ASTM D7328-2011 中文标准名称:通过离子色谱法用水样注入测定燃料乙醇中现存和潜在的无机硫酸盐和无机氯化物总量的标准试验方法 英文标准名称:Standard Test Method for Determination of Existent and Potential Inorganic Sulfate and Total Inorganic Chloride in Fuel Ethanol by Ion Chromatography Using Aqueous...
ASTM D4806-21a 引用标准 ASTM D1298 ASTM D1613 ASTM D1688 ASTM D2622 ASTM D3120 ASTM D381 ASTM D4052 ASTM D4057 ASTM D4175 ASTM D4177 ASTM D4306 ASTM D4814 ASTM D5453 ASTM D5501 ASTM D5580 ASTM D5854 ASTM D6423 ASTM D6550 ASTM D7039 ASTM D7318 ASTM D7319 ASTM D7328 ASTM D...
Assay of Fuel-Grade Butanol for Total and Potential Sulfate and Total Chloride Per ASTM D7328-070.5 N Sulfuric AcidCarefully transfer 13.7 mL of reagent-grade sulfuric acid to approximately 500 mL of filtered and degassed DIwater in a 1 L volumetric flask. Allow the solution to cool before ...
ASTM D4806-21a 引用标准 ASTM D1298ASTM D1613ASTM D1688ASTM D2622ASTM D3120ASTM D381ASTM D4052ASTM D4057ASTM D4175ASTM D4177ASTM D4306ASTM D4814ASTM D5453ASTM D5501ASTM D5580ASTM D5854ASTM D6423ASTM D6550ASTM D7039ASTM D7318ASTM D7319ASTM D7328ASTM D7347ASTM D7576ASTM D7757ASTM D779...
Method 1 (ASTM D7328-07) requiresevaporation of the butanol sample to dryness andreconstitutes in deionized (DI) water or 0.90% peroxide,followed by injection onto a Thermo Scientific DionexIonPac AS4A-SC anion-exchange colu...
1.1 本规范涵盖名义上无水变性燃料乙醇,旨在与无铅或含铅汽油混合,比例为 18201;% 至 158201;体积百分比 8201;用作规范 D4814 以及其他规范涵盖的汽车火花点火发动机燃料涉及乙醇的燃料应用或规范。本规范的意义如附录 X1 所示。 1.2 司法管辖区对允许或禁止的变性剂类型、变性剂的化学成分或乙醇变性所需的变性剂...
ASTM D996-2023 标准原文标准翻译 实施日期:2023-03-15 英文名:Standard Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environments ASTM E3251-2023 标准原文标准翻译 实施日期:2023-03-15 英文名:Standard Test Method for Microbial Ingress Testing on Single-Use Systems ...
D6920ASTM D7039ASTM D7040ASTM D7041ASTM D7111ASTM D7171ASTM D7212ASTM D7220ASTM D7260ASTM D7303ASTM D7318ASTM D7319ASTM D7328ASTM D7343ASTM D7482ASTM D7620ASTM D7622ASTM D7623ASTM D7691ASTM D7740ASTM D7751ASTM D7757ASTM D7876ASTM D808ASTM D8110ASTM D8127ASTM D8150ASTM D86ASTM D874...