国际标准分类中,astm d696-2008e1涉及到塑料、墨水、油墨、纺织产品、分析化学、纸浆、肥料、涂料配料、粘合剂和胶粘产品、非金属矿、绝缘材料、涂料和清漆、电信设备用部件和附件、建筑构件、增强塑料、环境试验、表面处理和镀涂、有机化学、皮革技术、润滑剂、工业油及相关产品、石蜡、沥青材料和其他石油产品、橡胶和...
1、Designation: D 696 08Standard Test Method forCoefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of PlasticsBetween 30C and 30C with a Vitreous Silica Dilatometer1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 696; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption ...
27、 Sand for C117Bearing Strength D953Bird Impact Resistance F330Bond Integrity F521Brittleness TemperatureBy Impact D746Chemical Resistance D543Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion D696Compressive Properties D695Electrical Insulating MaterialDC Resistance or Conductance D257Electrical Insulating Ma ...