Designation: D6927 − 15Standard Test Method forMarshall Stability and Flow of Asphalt Mixtures 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D6927; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last r...
ASTM D6927-15 February 1, 2015 Standard Test Method for Marshall Stability and Flow of Asphalt Mixtures 4.1 Marshall stability and flow values along with density; air voids in the total mix, voids in the mineral aggregate, or voids filled with asphalt, or both, filled with asphalt are used...
• ASTM D5/D5M-2013沥青材料渗透性的试验方法 • ASTM D61-1975(2010)沥青软化点的测试方法(水中方块试验法) • ASTM D70-2009e1半固体沥青材料密度试验方法(比重瓶法) • ASTM D71-1994(2015)e1固体沥青和石油沥青相对密度试验方法(位移法) • ASTM C936/C936M-2016 • ASTM C1272-2014b重型...
Asphalt Marshall Stability Testing Machine ASTM D6927 Marshall Stability Test Equipment Product DescriptionMain technical features:1). GD-0709A Asphalt Marshall Stability Testing Machine has functions of parameters setting, measurement calibration, automatic test control...
ASTM D2041 ASTM D2234/D2234M ASTM D2726 ASTM D3665 ASTM D5361 ASTM D5444 ASTM D6307 ASTM D6925 ASTM D6926 ASTM D6927 ASTM E105 ASTM E122 ASTM E141 适用范围 1.1 采样与测试同样重要,采样者应采取一切预防措施来获取样品,以对其所代表的材料的性质和条件进行可接受的估计。4.1.2 用于开发初步...
(2003 年撤回)ASTM D1074-17 沥青混合料抗压强度的标准试验方法ASTM D8079-16 使用分段轧制压实机制备压实板坯沥青混合料样品的标准做法ASTM D1188-07(2015) 使用涂层样品的压实沥青混合料的体积比重和密度的标准测试方法ASTM D6927-15 沥青混合料马歇尔稳定度和流动值的标准试验方法ASTM D7981-15 使用剪切盒压实...
6、.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statementsfor Test Methods for Construction MaterialsD2493 Standard Viscosity-Temperature Chart for AsphaltsD6926 Practice for Preparation of Bituminous SpecimensUsing Marshall ApparatusD6927 Test Method for M 7、...
2D8 Terminology Relating to Materials for Roads and Pave-mentsD3666 Specif i cation for Minimum Requirements for Agen-cies Testing and Inspecting Road and Paving MaterialsD4402 Test Method for Viscosity Determination of Asphaltat Elevated Temperatures Using a Rotational ViscometerD6927 Test Method for ...
2013年ASTM D7870/D7870M-13使用流体静力孔隙压力调节压实沥青混合料试样中水分的标准实施规程 1.1 本实践包括制备压实沥青混合料试样的程序、将试样暴露在封闭室内的静水孔隙压力下、以及测试试样的水对沥青混合料拉伸强度或其他性能变化的影响的指导,例如1.2 根据本实践调节的样品可以使用本文件中引用的方法和测试程序...