ASTM D4596 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: Designation: D4596 − 09 (Reapproved 2015)Standard Practice forCollection of Channel Samples of Coal in a Mine 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D4596; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal ...
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D4596-99 Standard Practice for Collection of Channel Samples of Coal in a Mine D4606-95(2000) Standard Test Method for Determination of Arsenic and Selenium in Coal by the Hydride Generation/Atomic Absorption Method D4621-99 Standard Guide for Quality Management in an Organization That Samples or...
ASTM D3302 Test Method for Total Moisture in Coal ASTM D4596 Practice for Collection of Channel Samples of Coal in a Mine ASTM D5142 Test Methods for Proximate Analysis of the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke by Instrumental Procedures ASTM D5263 Test Method for Determining the Relative Degree...
6.1CollectsamplesusingPracticeD2234/D2234M,Prac-preparedsampleistobeusedfortestsotherthanforwhatit ticeD4596forcoal,orPracticeD346/D346Mforcoke.Coalwasoriginallyprepared,thehomogeneityofthesamplemust combustionproductsshouldbesampledinamannertoprovidebedetermined. arepresentativesamplefreefromcontamination.Thesample...
ASTM D121ASTM D1412ASTM D2013ASTM D2234/D2234MASTM D2798ASTM D3172ASTM D3173ASTM D3174ASTM D3175ASTM D3302ASTM D4239ASTM D4596ASTM D5016ASTM D5192ASTM D5865ASTM D720 适用范围 1.1 本标准涵盖了按等级对煤进行分类,即根据其变质或渐进蚀变的程度,从褐煤到无烟煤的自然系列。 1.2本分类适用于主要...
公司主要产品:板列管 ,钛管、钛板、钛棒、钛丝、钛钢复合板、钛管件、钛精密异形加工件.标准件、钛过滤器、钛板式换热器、钛反应釜、钛塔器、钛容器、钛铜复合棒等复合材料,钽管、钽、钽丝、钽片、钽棒、钽材加热器、钽钳锅、镍管、镍板、镍棒、镍丝、镍带、镍列管式换热器、镍反应釜、镍容器、镍塔器、...
ASTM D3176-24 引用标准 ASTM D2013ASTM D2234/D2234MASTM D3172ASTM D3173ASTM D3174ASTM D3302ASTM D346ASTM D4239ASTM D4596ASTM D5192ASTM D5373ASTM D6609ASTM D6883ASTM D7430ASTM D7582 适用范围 1.1 本实践涵盖了术语“元素分析”,因为它应用于煤和焦炭的分析。所获得的信息旨在供适用行业普遍使用...
ASTM D121 ASTM D1412 ASTM D2013 ASTM D388 ASTM D4371 ASTM D4596 购买 正式版 1.1 本实践描述了从钻孔中回收的岩心收集和处理煤样的程序。 i .2 以 SI 单位表示的值应被视为标准。括号中给出的值仅供参考。 1.3 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如果有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用...
ASTM D2013ASTM D2234/D2234MASTM D2798ASTM D2799ASTM D4596ASTM E11 适用范围 1.1 本实践涵盖了制备烟煤和无烟煤颗粒样品的实验室程序,以便用反射光照明的显微镜进行检查。本标准不适用于定向煤块的制备。 1.2 单位——以 SI 单位或非 SI 单位表示的值应分别视为标准。每个系统中规定的值不一定完全相同;因...