(TBT) Committee.Designation: D3763 − 18Standard Test Method forHigh Speed Puncture Properties of Plastics Using Load andDisplacement Sensors 1This standard is issued under the fi xed designation D3763; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in ...
标准号:ASTM D3763-18检测标准/方法:使用负载和位移传感器的塑料高速穿刺性能的标准试验方法 ASTM D3763-18检测对象:汽车零部件及材料检测项目/参数:多轴冲击 相关标准 《IEC62321:2008》电子电气产品中六种受控物质的检测规程《IEC62321-7-1:2015,GB/T39560.701-2020》电子产品中某些物质的测定—第7-1部分:使用...
ASTM D5628-24 引用标准 ASTM D1600ASTM D1709ASTM D2444ASTM D3763ASTM D4000ASTM D5947ASTM D618ASTM D6779ASTM D883ASTM E691ISO 291ISO 6603-1 适用范围 1.1 本测试方法涵盖了基于对许多样本的测试,确定在自由落体冲击(tup)的各种规定条件下使平坦的硬质塑料样本破裂或破裂所需的冲击破坏能量的阈值。
the methods will be described in terms of their use on steels. 1.2 These test methods cover procedures to perform JK-type inclusion ratings using automatic image analysis in accordance with microscopic methods A and D. 1.3 Depending on the type of steel and the properties required, either a ma...