ASTM D3167-10(2017) 引用标准 ASTM B209ASTM D1781ASTM D907ASTM E4 购买 正式版 1.1 本测试方法涵盖了在规定的制备和测试条件下测试时,测定一个刚性被粘物和一个柔性被粘物之间的粘合力的相对剥离强度。 1.2 被粘物厚度的变化通常会影响测试值。因此,用于制作测试样本的板材的厚度应在材料规范中规定。当未...
标准号:ASTM D3167-10(Reapproved 2017) 检测标准/方法:用浮辊法测定胶粘剂剥离强度的试验方法 ASTM D3167-10(Reapproved 2017) 检测对象:胶粘剂 检测项目/参数:剥离强度试验 相关标准 《GB/T5433-2008》日用玻璃光透射比测定方法 《GB4806.4-20164.2》食品安全国家标准 陶瓷制品 ...
Flexible adherend – 0.63mm thick Rigid adherend – 1.62mm thick Test method is commonly used for: Acceptance and process control testing Can also be used as an alternative to ASTM Test Method D1781 *Please Note: The information outlined above is to be used as reference forASTM D3167 Standa...
内容提示: Designation: D3167 − 10Standard Test Method forFloating Roller Peel Resistance of Adhesives 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D3167; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of...
ASTM铜片腐蚀标准比色板是一种用于评估铜片腐蚀程度的工具。这种比色板由一系列不同腐蚀程度的铜片组成,每片铜片都经过精确的腐蚀处理,以代表不同的腐蚀程度。 ASTM铜片腐蚀标准比色板的使用方法如下: 准备一个透明的塑料容器,将比色板放入容器中。 在容器中加入适量的腐蚀介质,例如3.5%的NaCl溶液。 将铜片放入容器中...
ASTM D229 Rigid Sheet and Plate Materials Used for Electrical Insulation ASTM D256 Test Methods for Determining the Izod Pendulum Impact Resistance of Plastics ASTM D257 Test Methods for D-C Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials
标准号:ASTM D3121-2017 中文标准名称:采用滚球法测定压敏胶粘剂的标准试验方法 英文标准名称:Standard Test Method for Tack of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives by Rolling Ball 标准类型:G38 发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00 实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00 ...
Determine the relative peel resistance of adhesive bonds between flexible Adherends using a T-type specimen. Scope:The T-peel test (ASTM D1876) evaluates the force required to the progressively separate two bonded, flexible adherends. Variations in test specimen preparation such adhesive curing, ...
ASTM D3167-03a(2004)由美国材料与试验协会 US-ASTM 发布于 2004-04-01。 ASTM D3167-03a(2004)在国际标准分类中归属于: 83.180 粘合剂和胶粘产品。 ASTM D3167-03a(2004) 胶粘剂浮动滚轮抗剥离性的标准试验方法的最新版本是哪一版?