ASTM D3163-01(2023) 引用标准 ASTM D1002 ASTM D2093 ASTM D4896 ASTM D907 适用范围 1.1 本测试方法旨在补充测试方法D1002,并将其应用扩展到硬质塑料粘合体的单搭接剪切粘合接头。该测试方法可用于生成由多种塑料制成的接头的比较剪切强度数据。它还可以提供一种比较几种塑料表面处理的方法。 1.2 以 SI ...
Designation: D3163 − 01 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Test Method forDetermining Strength of Adhesively Bonded Rigid PlasticLap-Shear Joints in Shear by Tension Loading 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D3163; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforigin...
(014)is 5868; in of of A in of ) an or a of to to is to is to to of is a RP a by RP he in to be in I to of if It is of of to of to 2093 se 1525 is a 3163 ue to of RP as of by is a of RP is to a on be by as to of 4 of to is 14 is , 2014....
在中国标准分类中,astm d 635 2014涉及到合成树脂、塑料基础标准与通用方法、颜色、石油产品综合、润滑油、橡胶制品综合、基础标准与通用方法、医药综合、服装、服饰品、陶瓷、玻璃综合、轮胎、燃料油、涂料、表面活性剂基础标准与通用方法、一般有机化工原料、水环境有毒害物质分析方法、供水、排水器材设备、塑料型材、...
Designation: D5868 − 01 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Test Method forLap Shear Adhesion for Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP)Bonding 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5868; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of rev...
(014)is 5868; in of of A in of ) an or a of to to is to is to to of is a RP a by RP he in to be in I to of if It is of of to of to 2093 se 1525 is a 3163 ue to of RP as of by is a of RP is to a on be by as to of 4 of to is 14 is , 2014....
ASTM D3163-01(2023) 引用标准 ASTM D1002 ASTM D2093 ASTM D4896 ASTM D907 购买 正式版 1.1 本测试方法旨在补充测试方法D1002,并将其应用扩展到硬质塑料粘合体的单搭接剪切粘合接头。该测试方法可用于生成由多种塑料制成的接头的比较剪切强度数据。它还可以提供一种比较几种塑料表面处理的方法。 1.2 以 ...
(014)is 5868; in of of A in of ) an or a of to to is to is to to of is a RP a by RP he in to be in I to of if It is of of to of to 2093 se 1525 is a 3163 ue to of RP as of by is a of RP is to a on be by as to of 4 of to is 14 is , 2014....
ASTM D3163-01(2014) 当前最新 ASTM D3163-01(2023) 适用范围 由于粘合接头比机械紧固接头具有固有的优点,特别是减轻应力集中和应力开裂,因此越来越多地使用粘合剂粘合塑料,因此需要进行标准测试,以测试各种塑料基材的接头和粘合剂可以进行比较。本测试方法就是为了满足这样的需要。该测试方法仅限于低于主题粘合体...
2023年ASTM D3163-01(2023)通过拉伸载荷测定剪切中粘性粘结刚性塑料搭接剪切接头强度的标准试验方法 2001年ASTM D3163-01(2014)用抗拉荷载法在剪切胶粘剂粘接刚性塑料搭接接头的抗剪切强度的标准试验方法 2001年ASTM D3163-01(2008)用抗拉荷载法在剪切胶粘剂粘接刚性塑料搭接接头的抗剪切强度的标准试验方法 ...