1、ASTM D2344 D2344M聚合物基复合材料及其层压材料短梁强度的标准试验方法标准名称ASTM D2344 D2344M Standard Test Method for Short-Beam Strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials and Their LaminatesASTM D2344 D2344M聚合物基复合材料及其层压材料短梁强度的标准试验方法适用范围Scope:This test method ...
11.4.1 Monitor the test temperature by placing an appropriate thermocouple at specimen mid-length to be located on the D 2344/D 2344M FIG. 5 Horizontal Shear Load Diagram (Curved Beam) FIG. 6 Horizontal Shear Load Diagram (Flat Laminate) underside of the beam. 11.5 Specimen Insertion—Insert...
This test method determines the short-beam strength of high-modulus fiber-reinforced composite materials. The specimen is a short beam machined from a curved or a flat laminate up to 6.00 mm [0.25 in.] thick. The beam is loaded in three-point bending 引用文件 ASTM D792 Test Methods for ...
1本试验方法由ASTM的复合材料委员会D30审定,并由单层和层压板试验方法专业委员会D30.04直接负责。当前版本于2000年3月10日批准,2000年6月出版。最初出版为:D 2344–65T。上一版本为:D 2344–84(1995)。2Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.4Annual...
内容提示: Designation: D2344/D2344M − 22Standard Test Method forShort-Beam Strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Materialsand Their Laminates 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D2344/D2344M; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear of original ...
Special-size fixtures, either larger or smaller than the standard size, can also be fabricated, as indicated in Fig. 5 below. Fig. 5: Standard Short Beam Shear (ASTM D2344) Test Fixture (left)andSpecial Compact Reduced-Span Three-/Four-PointShear Test Fixture (right). ...
11.4.1 Monitor the test temperature by placing an appropriate thermocouple at specimen mid-length to be located on the D 2344/D 2344M FIG. 5 Horizontal Shear Load Diagram (Curved Beam) FIG. 6 Horizontal Shear Load Diagram (Flat Laminate) underside of the beam. 11.5 Specimen Insertion—Insert...
Fig. 2: Specimen Size Comparisons for Four Shear Test Methods: a)±45ºTensile Shear (ASTM D3518) b) Iosipescu Shear (ASTM D5379) c) Short Beam Shear (ASTM D2344) d) Two-Rail Shear (ASTM D4255) To alleviate these deficiencies, ASTM D7078, theV-Notched Rail Sheartest method, has...
D3878Terminology for Composite Materials D5229/D5229M Test Method for Moisture Absorption Prop-erties and Equilibrium Conditioning of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials D5687/D5687M Guide for Preparation of Flat Composite Panels with Processing Guidelines for Specimen Prepara-tion E4Practices for Force ...
ASTM-D2936 Direct Tensile Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimen THS565 ASTM-D2979 Pressure-Sensitive Tack of Adhesives Using an Inverted Probe Machine THS692-10 THS692-30 ASTM-D2990 Tensile, Compressive, And Flexural Creep And Creep-Rupture Of Plastics TH42-150x150-150 (compressive...