ASTM D 226 - D 226M - 17 2 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: 7. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance7.1 The felt shall be thoroughly and uniformly saturated,and shall show no unsaturated spots at any point upon cutting50-mm [2-in.] wide strips at random across the entire sheet andsplitting ...
ASTM D226/D226M-17 在中国标准分类中归属于: Q17 屋面、铺面防水与防潮材料,在国际标准分类中归属于: 91.100.50 粘合料、密封材料。 ASTM D226/D226M-17 铺顶和防水用沥青饱和有机毡的标准规格的最新版本是哪一版? 最新版本是ASTM D226/D226M-17(2023)。
2页 发布单位 美国材料与试验协会 替代标准 ASTM D226/D226M-17 当前最新 ASTM D226/D226M-17(2023) 适用范围 1.1 本规范涵盖了沥青饱和的有机毡,无论是否有穿孔,旨在与符合规范 D 312 要求的沥青一起用于建筑屋顶的施工,以及与符合规范 D 449 要求的沥青一起使用。防水系统的建设。1.2 以 SI 单位或...
1.Much Stronger than regular Type 15, 30 felt 2.Resistant to tear & stretch around fasteners 3.Skid-resistant polymer coating provides traction and a safer working surface 4.Wider offering greater coverage 5.100% recyclable material, manufactured from recyclable material ...
ASTM D3454-11的发布历史信息,地下水中最常见的五种镭同位素是 226Ra 和 228Ra,其半衰期大于一天。如果通过水途径摄入,与同等浓度的其他天然存在的核素相比,这两种同位素也带来最大的健康风险。虽然主要用于水介质,但一旦介质完全分解并放入水溶液中,该技术就可以适用
ASTM D226 Type II Width of roll 36inch 36inch 36inch 36inch Roof coverage per roll 432 sq ft 216 sq ft 432sq ft 216 sq ft Mass of saturated felt roll 8.0lbs/100ft sq 13.0lbs/100ft sq 11.5lbs/100ft sq 26lbs/100ft sq Mass of asphalt saturant 4.0lbs/100ft sq 6.0lbs/10...
1、ASTM D7636 D7636M-11(2024) Standard Practice for Sampling and Analysis of Modified Bitumen Roof Systems 2、ASTM E2181 E2181M-24 Standard Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Noble Metal Thermocouples and Thermocouple Cable 3、ASTM D8487-24 Standard Specification for Nat...
ASTM D3454-21的引用关系信息,1.1 本测试方法涵盖水中浓度高于 3.7 × 10−3 Bq/L 的可溶性、悬浮性和总 226 Ra 的测量。本测试方法不适用于其他镭同位素的测量。 1.2 本测试方法可用于通过 226 Ra 标准校准进行定量测量,或通过相互比较测量结果进行相对测量。 1.3 该测
ASTM D226/D226M - 09 Standard Specification for Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing - See all versionsASTM D227/D227M - 03(2011)e1 Standard Specification for Coal-Tar-Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing - See all versionsASTM D228/D228M - ...
The conditions for use of the CRT-type t 巳 nsile tester are included in Appendix X l. 1.2 This test method applies to most fabrics including woven fabtics , air bag fabrics , blankets , napped fabtics , knit fabrics , layer 巳d fabrics , pile fabrics and non-wovens. The fabrics ...