項目條件單位試驗方法数值光学性质透光率3.2mm%ASTMD100392 雾度3.2mm%ASTMD1003<0.1 热性质流动性230℃,3.8㎏g/10minASTMD123810.2 VICAT軟化点1㎏℃ASTMD1525111 热变形温度 (18.6㎏) unannealed℃ASTMD64891 annealed℃ASTMD64898 机械性质 IZOD冲击强度withnotchkJ/m 2 ASTMD2561.5 Rockwell硬度Mscale-... Repeatability—Two test results obtained within one laboratory shall be judged not equivalent if they differ by more D 1003 NOTE 7—Note 3 and Note 4 apply. It should be noted that it may be difficult, but is critical, to meet this requirement. 8.1.5 A light trap shall be ...
ASTM.塑料标准.D1003 Designation: D 1003 – 00 Standard Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittance of Transparent Plastics1 This standard is issued under the xed designation D 1003; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of ...
D999-01 船运集装箱的振动试验方法 D1000-04 电气设备用压合敏感胶粘剂涂覆带的试验方法 D1002-05 用拉力负载测定金属之间胶粘剂抗剪切强度特性的试验方法 D1003-00 透明塑料混浊度和透光系数的测试方法 D1004-03 塑料薄膜和薄板的抗撕裂强度的测试方法 D1005-95(2001) 用千分尺测量有机涂层干膜厚度的试验方法...
ASTM E18-24 Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials 金属材料洛氏硬度的标准试验方法.pdf,’lb;s ;utcroaUonal “四巾,d w剧 dcvcl•Pd ;u acro,da时< w;tb ;utmatlonally «ogn;..,d p•;ncipl目。”“andocd;眩atlon 也吸abLi血d ;
ASTM D714 油漆起泡等级评定的标准试验方法 ASTM E29 通过气相色谱 - 质谱法和傅里叶变换红外光谱分析无机粉末中的有机化合物的标准测试方法 * 在ASTM A1003/A1003M-23 发布之后有更新,请注意新发布标准的变化。 ASTM A1003/A1003M-23的历代版本如下: 2023年 ASTM A1003/A1003M-23e1 冷成型框架构件用金属和...
Designation: D1003 ? 13 Standard Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittance of Transparent Plastics1 This standard is issued under the ?xed designation D1003; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of ...
DS3231MZ+TRL CL21B104KCFNNNE DRV8837DSGR SN74LVC8T245PWR 铜柱M3*11+6 SS310 海量现货 60万+现货SKU 品类不断扩充中 闪电发货 科技智能大仓储 最快4小时发货 严控渠道 正品有保障 物料可追溯 降低成本 明码标价节省时间 一站式采购元器件
ASTM R0036 不锈钢管(本文件不是ASTM标准,且仅提供PDF格式) ASTM E243-24 铜管和铜合金管的电磁(涡流)检验的标准实施规程 ASTM B687-99(2016) 黄铜, 铜和镀铬管接头的标准规格 ASTM D1500-04 石油产品ASTM颜色的标准试验方法(ASTM色标) ASTM D5964-16(2021) 橡胶IRM 901、IRM 902和IRM 903 ASTM 1号、...