X1.1 Voltmeter-Ammeter Method Using a GalvanometerD 257 – 0713Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Mon Apr 7 01:06:31 EDT 2008Downloaded/printed byDalian Univ of Technology pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.www.bzfxw.com ...
Designation: D 257 – 07An American National StandardStandard Test Methods forDC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 257; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of ...
美国标准ASTM D 257绝缘材料表面电阻率测试办理流程 所在地 深圳市宝安区新安街道布心社区74区布心二村商住楼6栋三单元503 联系电话 18824158163 手机 18824158163 sales manager 黄经理请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多 请卖家联系我 1017142043 详细介绍 产品详细介绍 ...
国际标准分类中,astm d-257涉及到绝缘材料、绝缘流体。在中国标准分类中,astm d-257涉及到电工绝缘材料及其制品。美国材料与试验协会,关于astm d-257的标准ASTM STP 257-1959 显微镜研讨会 ASTM D257-99 绝缘材料的直流电阻或电导率的标准试验方法 ASTM D257-14 绝缘材料直流电阻或电导的标准试验方法 ASTM D257-...
美国标准ASTM D 1784硬质聚氯乙烯化合物和氯化聚氯乙烯化合物测试 美国标准AP(89) 塑料材质中的着色剂测试 测试周期:5-7天 美国标准 AP (2002) 1 纸张测试 测试周期:5-7天 美国标准 ASTM D 1434 气体透过率测试 测试周期:5-7天 美国标准 ASTM D 1781 剥离强度测试 测试周期:5-7天 相关...
ASTM_D_257-99_绝缘材料直流电阻或电导试验方法.pdf,N 户υ n nr 户 XTL PU 内 n U- AHU 9 U E ru U \ 巾 ?J-A u 、、 nu n YEP-4 E FI U i 儿町哗 M U E V D 叮引 qu D n3 e n3na on q L An Alnρric , ln N汀III Jll;! Still飞d;ml LN 削 Standard Test Methods...
绝缘材料表面电阻率Surface Resistivity of Insulating Materials 绝缘材料体积电阻率Volume Resistivity of Insulating Materials Test info 测试内容: 绝缘材料表面电阻率 Surface Resistivity of Insulating MaterialsASTM D257测量范围: 108~1016/14 Ω/square7 working day片材,100mm边长的正方形或100mm直径的圆, 3pcs....
Desi gnat i on:D 257 – 99An American National StandardSt andar d TestM et hods f orDC Resi st ance orConduct ance ofI nsul at i ng M at er i al s1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 257; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforigina...
An American National Standard Designation: D 257 – 07 Standard Test Methods for DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 257; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case...
1 D 257 Discussion—Volume conductance is the reciprocal of volume resistance. 3.1.4 conductivity, surface, n—the surface conductance multiplied by that ratio of specimen surface dimensions (distance between electrodes divided by the width of electrodes dening the current path) which ...