ASTM D5430-13(2017) 适用范围 1.1 这些测试方法描述了通过目视检查建立织物分级数字名称的程序。 1.2 这些测试方法可用于经供需双方商定要求的织物的交付和验收。 1.3 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如果有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前建立适当的安全和健康实践并确定监管限制的适用性。
(TBT) Committee.Designation: D5430 − 13 (Reapproved 2017)Standard Test Methods forVisually Inspecting and Grading Fabrics 1This standard is issued under the fi xed designation D5430; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of ...
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ASTM D5430-07 2007年 总页数 3页 发布单位 美国材料与试验协会 替代标准 ASTM D5430-07(2011) 当前最新 ASTM D5430-13(2017) 适用范围 测试方法 D 5430 被认为对于商业运输的验收测试是令人满意的,因为该方法已广泛用于织物分级和织物验收确定的贸易中。当使用本文列出的三个选项中的每一个时,对相同的织物...
ASTM D 5430-2007 下载积分: 1234 内容提示: Designation: D 5430 – 07Standard Test Methods forVisually Inspecting and Grading Fabrics 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D 5430; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the ...
ASTM D5430 – 13: Standard Test Methods for Visually Inspecting and Grading Fabrics ASTM F1561 – 03: Standard Performance Requirements for Plastic Chairs for Outdoor Use The names of ASTM standard might have a number at the end preceded by a dash to indicate the year the standard was issued...
3939ASTM D3990ASTM D4032ASTM D4033ASTM D4034ASTM D4157ASTM D4158ASTM D4350ASTM D4390ASTM D4685ASTM D4772ASTM D4848ASTM D4851ASTM D4964ASTM D4966ASTM D4970ASTM D5034ASTM D5035ASTM D5103ASTM D5278ASTM D5362ASTM D5378ASTM D5426ASTM D5430ASTM D5446ASTM D5587ASTM D5684ASTM D5793ASTM D...
The 4-Point System, a standard under ASTM D5430 – 07(2011) that specifies a method for establishing a numerical classification for grading fabrics from a visual inspection, is the most commonly used fabric inspection system in the garment industry. It may be used for the supply and adoption...
美国国建标准ASTMD5430-93中4分制被广泛的应用于面料外观检验,在 4分制中,根据疵点的尺寸大小及严重程度扣以1,2,3,4的罚分。一码布内 无论有多少疵点,至多扣4分。具体如下: 疵点尺寸罚分 小于等于7.62cm(3inch)扣1分 大于7.62cm(3inch)小于等于15.24cm(6inch)扣2分 大于15.24cm(6inch)小于等于22.86cm...