7.1Thesheet,ludingthefullwidthoffactoryseamsif8.7StaticPuncture—TestMethodD5602,ata present,shallbefullyadhered,watertight,andvisiblyofloadof20kg(44.1lbf)minforTypeIandaloadof25kg(55.1 pinholes,particlesofforeignmatter,undispersedrawmaterial,lbf)minforTypeIIat2362°C(73.464°F). orothermanufacturingdefects...
ASTM D4637/D4637M-14 当前最新 ASTM D4637/D4637M-15(2021)e1 适用范围 1.1 本规范涵盖由乙烯-丙烯-二烯三元共聚物 (EPDM) 制成的柔性片材,用于暴露在天气条件下的单层屋顶防水卷材。用于表征板材的测试和性能限制是确保预期用途的最低质量的值。该片材可以是非增强的、织物或稀松布增强的、或织物背衬的硫化...
ASTM D4637-1996标准规范中规定了一系列耐候性测试,以评估板材在不同环境条件下的性能。 防水性能测试:单层屋面膜的关键特性之一是防水性能。ASTM D4637-1996标准规范要求对乙丙三元橡胶板进行水压测试、水蒸汽透过性测试和抗渗透性测试等,以确保其具有优异的防水效果。 其他测试要求:除了上述测试要求外,ASTM D4637-1...
D1204 Test Method for Linear Dimensional Changes of Nonrigid Thermoplastic Sheeting or Film at Elevated Temperature D2137 Test Methods for Rubber Property--Brittleness Point of Flexible Polymers and Coated Fabrics D5602 Test Method for Static Puncture Resistance of Roofing Membrane Specimens D5635 Test ...
33、Tongue Tear.8.13 Brittleness PointTest Methods D2137.8.14 Ozone ResistanceTest Method D1149. Inspect at 7 magnification on specimens exposed to 100 mPa 1 105 psiozone in air at 40 6 2C 104 6 4F. Elongate Type I specimens 50 % for 166 6 1.66 h exposure. Type II and Type III spec...
本站其他标准专题: astm d 4637,astm d4637,astm d4637/d4637m,astm d astm d 6198,astm d 2632,astm d 1478,astm d 4964,astm d 2726,astm d 1894,astm d 999,astm d 3203,astm d 4020,astm d 4562,astm d 6476,astm d 4102,astm d 1385,astm d 4243,astm d 4195,astm d 1607,astm d ...
标准号:ASTMD4637/D4637M-2013 (已作废)中文标准名称:单板层屋顶膜用三元乙丙橡胶薄板的规格英文标准名称:StandardSpecificationforEPDMSheetUsedInSingle-PlyRoofMembrane中国标准分类号:G40 Q24国际标准分类号:83.06部分代替标准:ASTMD4637/D4637M-2012 相关标准 《GB/T 5169.11-2017》电工电子产品着火危险试验 第11...
ASTM 标准 4637 15 《【ASTM标准】D 4637 - D 4637M - 15》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【ASTM标准】D 4637 - D 4637M - 15(4页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 4637M 15n is 4637/of in of of A in of A ) an or by of to to to be or as of he in I or to be as be be...
本专题涉及astm d4637/d4637m的标准有8条。国际标准分类中,astm d4637/d4637m涉及到橡胶、建筑材料。在中国标准分类中,astm d4637/d4637m涉及到屋面、铺面防水与防潮材料、密封材料、胶管、胶带、胶布。美国材料与试验协会,关于astm d4637/d4637m的标准...
ASTM D4637/D4637M-13的发布历史信息,1.1 本规范涵盖由乙烯-丙烯-二烯三元共聚物 (EPDM) 制成的柔性片材,用于暴露在天气条件下的单层屋顶防水卷材。用于表征板材的测试和性能限制是确保预期用途的最低质量的值。该片材可以是非增强的、织物或稀松布增强的、或织物背衬的硫