Designation: D1525 − 17´ 1 Standard Test Method for Vicat Softening Temperature of Plastics 1 塑料的软化温度的标准试验方法 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1525; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of ...
内容提示: Designation: D1525 − 09Standard Test Method forVicat Softening Temperature of Plastics 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D1525; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last...
点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 ASTM D1525-17e1 发布 2017年 总页数 11页 发布单位 美国材料与试验协会 替代标准 ASTM D1525-25 当前最新 ASTM D1525-25 引用标准 ASTM D1898ASTM D618ASTM D883ASTM E1ASTM E1137/E1137MASTM E2251ASTM E2935ASTM E608/E608MASTM E691ASTM E77ASTM E879ISO 306...
免费在线预览全文 ASTM D1525塑料维卡软化温度(Vicat)的测定 ASTM D1525塑料维卡软化温度(Vicat)的测定一标准名称ASTM D1525 Standard Test Method for Vicat Softening Temperature of Plastics ASTM D1525塑料维卡软化温度(Vicat)的测定ASTM D1525塑料维卡软化温度(Vicat)的测定一适用范围 Scope: This test method ...
点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 ASTM D1525-17 中文首页 发布 2017年 总页数 11页 发布单位 美国材料与试验协会 替代标准 ASTM D1525-17e1 当前最新 ASTM D1525-17e1 引用标准 ASTM D1898ASTM D618ASTM D883ASTM E1ASTM E1137/E1137MASTM E2251ASTM E608/E608MASTM E691ASTM E77ASTM E887ISO 30...
ASTM 标准 1525 09 《【ASTM标准】D 1525 - 09》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【ASTM标准】D 1525 - 09(10页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 09is 1525; in of of A in of ) an or by of of at a to is or a he I to be ue to of as is to of if It is of of to of to is...
ASTM D1525-2017e1 1 Copyright ASTM International Provided by IHS Markit under license with ASTM No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Jilin Institute of Standardization/5993190001, User=BZYWXS@126.COM, BZY Not for Resale, 06/19/2018 00:46:05 MDT --`,`,,,...
Designation: D1525 − 17Standard Test Method forVicat Softening Temperature of Plastics 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D1525; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. ...
热变形试验机是评价石油化学工厂生产的塑料的耐热性的试验机。测试类型包括负载变形温度测试 (DTUL)、软化点测试 (VICAT) 和球压测试 (BP)。北京中航时代仪器设备有限公司 评价耐热性的试验机 评价塑料耐热性的典型试验机是热变形试验机。众所周知,我们身边的微波炉、洗碗机餐具等产品的耐热性,都是通过热变形试验...