ASTM A834-24 一般工业用铸铁件通用要求标准规范 (2024-10-01) ASTM A473-24a 不锈钢锻件标准规范 (2024-10-01) ASTM A159-83(2024) 汽车灰铸铁件标准规范 (2024-10-01) ASTM A319-71(2024) 非承压零件高温灰铸铁件标准规范 (2024-10-01) ASTM A278/A278M-01(2024) 温度高达650°F[350°C]的承...
ASTM A834 一般工业用的普通要求的铸铁的标准规范 Designation:A834–95(Reapproved2001)Standard Specification for Common Requirements for Iron Castings for General Industrial Use1 This standard is issued under thefixed designation A834;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year...
(R2010)e1 目测检定铸件表面是否符合标准的规程中文版 ASTM A820-2011 钢纤维混凝土用钢纤维标准规范中文版 ASTM A830-2013 按化学成分要求供货的结构级碳素钢板的标准规范中文版 ASTM A834-1995(R2011) 一般工业用铸铁件通用要求中文版 ASTM A837-06(R2011) 渗碳用合金钢锻件的标准规范中文版 ASTM A860-2014 低...
(R2010)e1 目测检定铸件表面是否符合标准的规程中文版 ASTM A820-2011 钢纤维混凝土用钢纤维标准规范中文版 ASTM A830-2013 按化学成分要求供货的结构级碳素钢板的标准规范中文版 ASTM A834-1995(R2011) 一般工业用铸铁件通用要求中文版 ASTM A837-06(R2011) 渗碳用合金钢锻件的标准规范中文版 ASTM A860-2014 低...
Chemical Composition 4.1 Although this specification has no specific chemical 1 This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A04 on Iron requirements, such requirements may be agreed upon between Castings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A04.02 on Malleable and...
1.1此技术规范适用于高温承压球铁铸件。在温度不超过450°F条件下,所有等级铸件都适合;在温 度超过450°F、不超过650°F条件下,只有60-40-18级铸件适合(注1)。1.2 阀、法兰盘、管接头、泵以及其它管件通常由制造商或经销商预先生产,并作为原料供应。1.3如有附加的铸件要求,可使用技术规范A 834 。1....
ASTMA395高温承压铁素体球铁技术规范.pdf,ASTM 标号: A 395/A 395M-99 高温承压铁素体球铁技术规范标准 1. 范围 1.1 此技术规范适用于高温承压球铁铸件。在温度不超过 450°F 条件下,所有等级铸件都适合;在温 度超过 450°F、不超过 650°F 条件下,只有 60-40-18 级铸件
3.1.10 C-weighted peak sound pressure level (LCpeak)—the peak sound pressure level obtained when using standardized C-weighting. 3.1.11 close-to-the-ear toy—a toy that is intended to be used close to the ear, that is, the sound emitting part of such a toy is normally put against ...
《ASTM F963-2011最新完整版.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM F963-2011最新完整版.pdf(68页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 Designation: F963 11 An American National Standard Standard Consumer Safety Specifi cation for Toy Safety1 This standard is issued under the fi xed designation F963;...
(350°C) 低和中等抗拉强度碳素钢板 Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, 压力容器用低和中等抗拉强度的碳素钢板 Carbon Steel, Low- and Intermediate-Tensile Strength Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy ...