ASTM C780-23 适用范围 5.1 During preconstruction and construction evaluations, use of these test methods establishes specific and overall performance characteristics for the mortar system. 5.2 Preconstruction testing of mortars prebatched by weight provides information for the selection of the individual...
ASTM C780-23 适用范围 1.1 这些测试方法涵盖了在建筑实际使用之前或期间对砂浆的成分及其塑性和硬化性能进行取样和测试的程序。 注 1——指南 C1586 提供了评估砂浆的指南,并阐明了这些测试方法和规范 C270 的目的。 注 2——执行这些测试方法的测试机构应根据实践 C1093 进行评估。
标准号:ASTMC780-2015a (已作废) 中文标准名称:普通及钢筋混凝土砌体用灰浆的预施工和施工评定的试验方法 英文标准名称:StandardTestMethodforPreconstructionandConstructionEvaluationofMortarsforPlainandReinforcedUnitMasonry 中国标准分类号:Q13 国际标准分类号:91.100.10 部分代替标准:ASTMC780-2015 相关标准 百检网专注...
碳(C)≤0.01,锰(Mn)≤1.00,镍(Ni)≥57,硅(Si)≤0.08磷(P)≤0.04,硫(S)≤0.03,铬(Cr)14.5~16.5,铁(Fe)4.0~7.0,钼(Mo)15.0~17.0,钨(W)3.0~4.5,钴(Co) ≤2.5 物理性能: 密度:8.9g/cm3, 熔点:1325-1370 ℃,磁性:无 机械性能: 抗拉强度:σb≥690Mpa,屈服强度σb≥275Mpa:延伸率:δ≥40...
This test method provides a standard procedure for sampling and testing mortars for ___, either before or during actual construction. Composition and plastic and hardened properties The test procedures describe methods for the measurement of mortar composition and mortar properties. No attempt is made ...
C144 Specif i cation for Aggregate for Masonry MortarC270 Specif i cation for Mortar for Unit MasonryC476 Specif i cation for Grout for MasonryC780 Test Methods for Preconstruction and ConstructionEvaluation of Mortars for Plain and Reinforced UnitMasonryC1019 Test Method for Sampling and Testing ...
It has been investigated the effect of tempering time at 780?掳C on the creep strength of ASTM A335 grade P91 steel. The tempering temperature corresponded to the industrial tempering temperature and the times evaluated were chosen in such a way to accumulate, between the tempering prior as ...
内容提示: Designation: C270 − 19Standard Specif i cation forMortar for Unit Masonry 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation C270; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A...
F778-88(2007) Standard Methods for Gas Flow Resistance Testing of Filtration Media F779-12 Standard Test Method for Torsion Characteristic of Alpine Skis F780-93a(2012) Standard Test Method for Linear Deformation and Breaking Strength of Alpine Skis F782-01(2012) Standard Specification for Doors...
ASTM C 1439 聚合物改性的灰浆和混凝土的标准试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Polymer-Modified Mortar and Concrete ASTM C 1451 测定单一来源混凝土配料匀细度的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Determining Uniformity of Ingredients of Concrete From a Single Source ASTM C 1452 增强的热压处理过的加气混...