ASTM C 666/C 666M -03 混凝土抗速冻和速融的标准实验方法 本标准已被国防部采用 1. 测试范围 1.1 本实验方法包括在实验室实施两个不同的程序:程序 A ,水中速冻和速融,和 程序 B ,空气中速冻和水中速融来测试混凝土样块的抗速冻和速融循环性 。两个程序 主要是用以决定混凝土性质中的变数在特定的程序中...
54、 ASTM C1482-24 Standard Specification for Polyimide Flexible Cellular Thermal and Sound Absorbing Insulation 55、 ASTM F2822-10(2024) Standard Specification for Fixed Anchorages Installed on Structures Used for Rope Rescue Training 56、 ASTM F3021-23 Standard Specification for Universal Design of...
C 0 15 热轧薄板和钢带 ASTM A570 A570M 1991 结构级热轧碳素钢薄板和钢带 ASTM A571M 1984 低温承压部件用奥氏体球墨铸铁铸件 ASTM A572 A572M 1991 结构级高强度低合金铌钒钢 ASTM A572 A572M 2001高强度低合金铌 钒结构钢 ASTM A573 A573M 1990 改进韧性的碳素结构钢板 ASTM A575 1989 普通质量M ...
ASTM A666-2003 奥氏体不锈钢板 Designation:A 666–03 Standard Specification for Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet,Strip,Plate,and Flat Bar 1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 666;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of ...
ASTMD2000-汽车橡胶产品分类系统标准-中文.pdf,ASTM D2000 – 98C (出版日期 1999-11-24,汽车工程师学会同意 ,SAE 推荐 J200) 汽车橡胶产品分类系统标准 *1 1. 范围 1.1 本分类系统把用于汽车的橡胶产品 (但不限于此 )列表示出硫化橡胶(天然胶,再生胶 ,合成 胶 ,单一或混
12.1.12 Freezing and Thawing—Procedures for making freezing and thawing tests of concrete are described in Test Method C 666. 12.1.13 Chert—Test Method C 123 is used to identify particles in a sample of coarse aggregate lighter than 2.40 speci?c gravity, and Guide C 295 to identify which...
sample is purged 20 min at the beginning and then it is heated from room temperature to 666 °C at a rate of 10 °C/ min. The experiments take place in a nitrogen atmosphere with a flow rate of 100 mL/ min. Then air is introduced and the second stage, the combustion process, be...
MA智能型电动闸阀Z9B41H-64C DN200带RS485通讯 煤矿井下瓦斯隔爆阀 WSD94F-10QDN350 19 江苏黔进智控阀门 -- ¥2850.0000元1~-- 件 江苏黔进智控阀门有限公司 1年 -- 立即订购 查看电话 QQ联系 不锈钢304/316/304L/316L手动Z41W-25RL DN125硬密封法兰闸阀 Z41W-25RL 999999 -- -- ...
12. Conditioning 12.1 Testing Room—Test in a standard laboratory atmosphere, at 74.3 6 3.6°F (23 6 2°C) and a relative humidity of 50 6 5 %, in accordance with Speci�cation E 171. 13. Procedure 13.1 Ensure that the loop tack tester is leveled and connected to electrical power...
ASTMD1478Low-TemperatureTorqueofBallBearingGrease润滑脂低温试验.pdf,mately 200 mm (8 in.), or larger) and a suitable connecting 8 cord. NOTE 3—Substitution of other suitable torque-measuring equipment, such as a strain-gage load cell, is permitted. 6.1.