ASTM C363美国材料与试验协会标准电子版 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: Designation: C 363 – 00Standard Test Method forDelamination Strength of Honeycomb Core Materials 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation C 363; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of...
ASTM C363 - 00 Standard Test Method for Delamination Strength of Honeycomb Core Materials 星级: 2 页 (正版) ASTM D3410-16 星级: 16 页 (正版) ASTM E200-16 星级: 16 页 (正版) ASTM F3127-16 . 星级: 16 页 (正版) ASTM F3127-16 . 星级: 16 页 (正版) ASTM D4914-16 ...
Designation: C363/C363M − 09 (Reapproved 2015)Standard Test Method forNode Tensile Strength of Honeycomb Core Materials 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C363/C363M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of rev...
ASTM C363-2009 蜂窩芯子材料節點拉伸強度標準試驗方法 中文版¥80元 ASTM C365-2011a 夾層芯子平壓性能標準試驗方法 中文版¥100元 ASTM C366-2011 夾層芯子厚度測量標準試驗方法 中文版¥80元 ASTM C387-2015 混凝土與高強砂漿用袋裝乾燥組合料標準規範 中文版¥100元 ASTM C390-1979(R198...
ASTM C363/C363M-24 蜂窝芯材料节点拉伸强度的标准试验方法 (2024-10-03) ASTM C1683-10(2024) 使用威布尔统计量对高级陶瓷进行拉伸强度尺寸缩放的标准规范 (2024-10-03) ASTM C1840/C1840M-24a 安装钢筋混凝土涵洞、雨水管和雨水管道的检验和验收标准规范 (2024-10-03) ...
ASTM-C363 Delamination Strength of Honeycomb Core Materials THS1336 ASTM-C364 Edgewise compressive strength of sandwich constructions THS1158-75 ASTM-C365 Flatwise Compressive Properties of Sandwich Cores THS223w ASTM-C393 Core Shear Properties of Sandwich Constructions by Beam Flexure ...
18、wich c274 - 07 constructions c297 / standard test method for flatwise tensile strength c297m - 042010 of sandwich constructions standard test method for node tensile strength of c363 / c363m - 09 honeycomb core materials standard test method for edgewise compressive c364 / c364m - 07 ...
ASTM C363-2009 蜂窩芯子材料節點拉伸強度標準試驗方法 中文版¥80元 ASTM C365-2011a 夾層芯子平壓性能標準試驗方法 中文版¥100元 ASTM C366-2011 夾層芯子厚度測量標準試驗方法 中文版¥80元 ASTM C387-2015 混凝土與高強砂漿用袋裝乾燥組合料標準規範 中文版¥100元 ASTM C390-1979(R1984) 預制...
ASTM C363-2009 蜂窩芯子材料節點拉伸強度標準試驗方法 中文版¥80元 ASTM C365-2011a 夾層芯子平壓性能標準試驗方法 中文版¥100元 ASTM C366-2011 夾層芯子厚度測量標準試驗方法 中文版¥80元 ASTM C387-2015 混凝土與高強砂漿用袋裝乾燥組合料標準規範 中文版¥100元 ASTM C390-1979(R1...
ASTM C363/C363M-16(2024) Standard Test Method for Node Tensile Strength of Honeycomb Core Materials STANDARD by ASTM International, 05/01/2024. LANGUAGES: English HISTORICAL EDITIONS: ASTM C363/C363M-16, ASTM C363/C363M-09(2015), ASTM C363/C363M-09, ASTM C363-00 ASTM D8371-24 Standard ...